A double life

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I was urgent to see this Mr.Schmidt. I can hear the camera move. Soon it stopped, but picked up again. Let me be I think. It stopped and I pulled the curtains back and reviled myself to the camera. nothing happened. I move carful to avoid the sign. I look to the stage, a dangerous action I know. I think of the accident and feel my jaw. It hangs open and I feel anger in my mind. I see Freddy look at me and I run. Just as I leave the camera moves.

"Oh Mr.Schmidt! Who's out of order NOW!!!" I yell as I run down the hallway. The camera moves and I go faster, arms outstretched, I reach the door.
Bam! I run into the door. Bang bang bang! I hammer my only fist into the door. I back up and look at the ground, pieces of my face and body lay on the ground. I run back to stage and hide in the curtains. I am the fastest of the four of us because I don't have that big old suit to carry around, I also have to be fast in fear that the others will get me.
I know it's childish of me to think this, but they did hurt me. Freddy is the reason my jaw is broken, he punched me in the mouth. I know it looks bad but it's fixable. That's just the problem though. No one fixes me, it's mainly because they can't afford a mechanic but the others get oiled every month.
I feel my legs. All that's there is my metal endoskeleton legs. I peek out and watch the camera move. I hear a chime and look at the clock. It reads 6 am.
I dart back in and on cue the door opens with a ring.
"Mr.sch- " bills cut off.
"But how c-"
"I QUIT!!!"
"But you can't leave yet!"
"Why not!?"
"Because you signed the contract!"
"Come I'll show you!" I heard shuffling and a door open.
"Where is that in the......." It was too muffled
"It's...here....you signed......fine print..."
The talking stopped and I heard stomping. The door slammed and a crash was heard.

Tonight will be fun indeed!

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