A re-lationship

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I was on stage. Every piece of metal in my body wanted for the endoskeleton to be in a suit.
"Whoever gets the endoskeleton gets bragging rights!" Chica dared.
"Deal!" Bonnie took the challenge but I wanted much more than bragging rights. Bonnie left and it was just Chica and I. Soon she left. I was alone in my mind. Bonnie left the back room and went to the west hall. A door closed and I think it was Bonnie. I saw the curtains move out of the corner of my eye. Foxy was leaning out of pirate cove. After a wile he stepped out into the dining area. Quickly as he could he ran to the office. The door slammed and I heard voices. Foxy ran back to pirate cove. After a wile Foxy had made two more attempts. I was in the darkness of the dining area.
I was moving like a ninja in the shadows. I raced to the east hall. I was moving to the east corner when I saw Chica in the corner. I waited till she moved to the door. I felt like a victor already. I let out a menacing laugh as I went to the corner. I got up to the camera till it could see the whites of my pitch black eyes. I am smart, I don't wait for the endoskeleton to find me, I move at first glance. I move into the room and sit behind the endoskeleton. I wait until it is calm and strike. My vision blacks out when I do this, no idea why. I see Chica run past me and I run back to stage. I look at pirates cove. Foxy was gone. The only other place he could be is at the door. I walked down the west hall. I saw Foxy tugging at his arm. Foxy spotted me and pulled harder. He finally got his arm out of the door and looked at me.
"P-please don't put me in a suit!" Foxy fell to the ground. I remembered my threat to Foxy about stuffing him into a suit.
"Foxy!! Why would I do that?" Foxy's eyes fluttered opened and closed like a sleepy child in their parent's arms.
"Y-you hurt m-me!" Foxy's arms drooped.
"I will never hurt you again Foxy! You are one of us..... and you are my friend." Foxy looked like a heap of metal still clinging to his last slivers of power.
"P-promise..." I picked up Foxy. He was heavy but a carried him. The lack of suit helped.
"Yes Foxy. I promise." I walked down the west hall. Foxy bounced in my arms with every step I took. A made it to pirate cove. I sat foxy inside with care. I closed the curtains and got on stage. The door opened. The others had powered down already. I heard bill give the endoskeleton a small good morning. The door opened but before it closed bill told the endoskeleton something. I made all of it out.
"Oh Mike... I won't be hear tomorrow. And since we close at six, you will not be greeted by anyone. So can you handle that?" I can't believe what I heard. We will be alone for six hours. That means we can explain to Foxy. Maybe he will forgive us?
"Ok Mr.Scott. See you at six am tomorrow." The door closed and I was cooking up a plan to get Foxy to forgive us.

Tonight we will get the endoskeleton for sure!

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