A long night

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I stood on the stage. Tonight I will try my best to stuff the endoskeleton in a suit. I am feeling lucky tonight. I think of how it will feel to be victorious.
"Whoever gets the endoskeleton first gets bragging rights!" I tell the others.
"Deal!" Bonnie says with enthusiasm. Freddy stays quiet and I wonder what his plan is for tonight. Bonnie leaves and i leave as well. I move to the rest rooms. I get board fast and I run to the east hallway. I stand in the far back and slowly move to the door. I get to the camera in the hall and I open my jaw so wide you can see my endoskeleton mouth inside. I decide to go to the corner of the hall and wait. I twitch with anticipation. My mouth snapped open but as fast and lightning it closed again. I moved to the door and saw the lights flicker on. The door shuts on me and I stand still. Bonnie is in the other door and growls as he's seen. After the door closed Bonnie left but I knew better than to give up. I stood in the window awaiting the lights to reveal me still there. After three times the endoskeleton gave no sign of letting up. I left the door in shame. I made constant visits to the office. Once or twice I heard Foxy bang on the door.
I always stay longer at the door. I drain the saving power from the endoskeleton's grip. I looked at the clock. It was 5:50. I ran to the stage. On my way there I saw Freddy in the hall corner. I finally got on stage. My bet was failed and I had no bragging rights. I felt ashamed.
I sat on the stage and waited for Freddy and Bonnie to return. I saw Bonnie dash to stage. What I saw next was most peculiar indeed. Freddy emerged from the west hall carrying Foxy in his arms. Foxy bounced when Freddy stepped. Freddy waked over to the curtains of pirate cove and placed Foxy inside with care. Freddy closed the curtains and walked to stage. I was powering down into night mode as the door opened. I tried to stay awake but my programming shut me down. I gave up on my sense of control and stood in my metal body. I felt like I was trapped in a metal box. My eyes shut I had no windows to the world.

All I could do was wait for tonight in my metal cell.

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