A bath of blood

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I stand on the darkened stage. I await the time in witch the endoskeleton arrives. The clock strikes twelve and the endoskeleton is in its office. Bonnie leaves the stage as soon as the clock strikes twelve.
"Bonnie come back! Your ruining it for us!"
"Nope! you can't hold me back forever! " Bonnie ran off and I decided that I would leave. I went to the bath room and sat. I left and went to the east hallway. I got close to the camera and waited. It turned on and I stifled a laugh as I heard the security guard scream.
"Chika! Come quick! Look what I found!"
"Why should I?"
"Because, it will help us get the endoskeleton!"
"Oh! I'll be right there!"
I ran as fast I could to the west hallway. Bonnie was at the door and was crouched in front of a box.
"What did you want to show me?"
"This!" Bonnie pointed to a red and yellow wire in the box.
"If you snap this in half before the endoskeleton closes the door it won't work! Han you can attack him when he looks at the camera!"
"Extremely diabolical!" We left the closed door and went to the kitchen. I was going to make pizza to lure the endoskeleton out of the office. Bonnie kept in insisting that he hears something but I told him it was poppycock. Bonnie left to look at the time.
"Chika! Stop with the pizza! It's almost leaving time!"
"Really? Aw crap I have to put the platters, pans, and bowls back! Come help!"
"Ok I'll come help clean up your little fiasco in the kitchen!" Bonnie walked in and we cleaned up. Bonnie ran back to stage and I got on as the clock rang six. I heard some talking but it was too quiet.
"........ANIMATRONICS.....KILL ME....!"
"I...QU..T!" I heard stomping and than another shout.
"I HAVE TO STAY TILL FRIDAY!?" I heard the door slam and a crash. I heard bill coming towards us and say something as I slipped into night mode.

Tonight will be fun for a chicken like me!

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