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I stood in the dark room. A hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Foxy..... you neeeeeed to come here. Said a familiar voice. The hand grabbed harder, and when I looked at the hand it was purple. I knew it was Bonnie because he's purple. Than a light flickers on and another hand lands on my other shoulder. I see Freddy enter and I ask what is happening.
"Your not in use any more foxy. give up the act of being in order."
I pulled my hook up and swished it down. I felt it make contact, and I saw an opening in Freddy's hand. A smile crossed my face, and then the two hands multiplied to four hands. They restrained me. I kicked and kicked, than a big hand connected with my jaw. Luckily it was my exoskeleton jaw, so I could still speak. I dropped to the ground. Freddy, Bonnie, and Chika backed out of the light. the only light on flickers off and I'm left in the dark.

I am in a dark, familiar room. I heard some shuffling and a creepy voice. Than a light flickers on and I see foxy and Bonnie. Chika came up and rested her hand on Foxy's other shoulder. I felt my mouth move though I heard nothing. What a saw were black rays shooting out of my mouth and hitting Foxy. Foxy raised his hook and slashed my hand. He smiled and the animatronics restrained him. He struggled, and I punched him in the jaw. Foxy's jaw hung like a door with a broken hinge. I walked out of the light and I saw Foxy fall. The light flickers off, and another on. I bump into Bonnie and Chika.
"What was that Freddy!" Bonnie asked and I heard him say it.
"I did my business Bonnie. His endoskeleton was showing, it was that or we put him in a suit." That's what I said but now what I wanted to say.
"Freddy your hand!" Chika said alarmed. I looked down at my hand. you could see a small opening in the back of it.
"Please don't put me in a suit!" I said.
"We won't." Chika and Bonnie said in unison.
"Tanks guys." I smiled and hugged them both. Than it all went black.

Bonnie and Chika
We both share are thoughts. Chika and I were made in the same factory. We pick up radio waves that the others can't. We use this to are advantage by moving on a tight schedule, coming at the same time, and if we use enuf power we can see what the other sees. I entered a state in which I hear people call dreaming. Chika stays quiet but I know she is watching. in a dark room I see a figure. I grab him and say something in his ear. I don't understand my words, it must be dream gibberish. He looks at the hand and I see its Foxy.
"Where am I? Gosh all we need now is Freddy and I'll be left out!" I ignore her and keep watching. a light flickers on and I, or we, see something. it looks like Freddy, but it's all a blur. I see a large yellow bird that's blurrier than Freddy.
"Hey! The image is blurry!"
"Chika keep quiet! I missed what Freddy said!"
"Not my fault. You should have kept the image clear!" Just then Freddy slammed his fist into Foxy's jaw. I didn't have time to assess the damage because the light flickers out. Freddy and dream Chika bump into me. A light flickers on and I still see them as blurs.
"Shut up Chika! I know it's bad, but it's all I see!" Chika was quiet and I worried if I was to harsh.
"What was that Freddy!" I ask.
He answers, but it's all gibberish.
"F£ed&¥ ¥@u£ #4n&!" Freddy looked at his hand and gasped.
"p|34se &0n'+ pu+ m3 !n 4 $u!+!" Chika and I told him that we won't stuff him in a suit.
"+#4nk$ gu¥3$." He hugged us, and than everything went black. I adjusted my eyes and looked at the clock. It was 12:00. Time to say hi to the endoskeleton.

Five nights at Freddy'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang