Secrets revealed

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I stood on the stage. My mind was racing.
"Whoever gets the endoskeleton first gets bragging rights!"
"Deal!" Tonight I plan to let the endoskeleton no mercy. I waited for the clock to strike twelve and it did. I went backstage. In the back room the Bonnie suit was still on the table. I looked for a second, than I went up to the camera. I grabbed the exposed wires on the camera and yanked hard. The red light went out and I heard static. After a moment I twisted the wires back together again. As soon as I was done I left for the west hall. Soon the west corner. I twitched my fingers and snapped my mouth open and closed. I opened and closed my eyes again and again. I got to the door and looked at the window across from me. Chika was there and the door light was on. The endoskeleton didn't even flinch, he closed the door without an expression on his face. I however growled as he checked my door, he jumped at my outburst of noise. I went to the supply closet because I wanted to. I heard Foxy make a mad dash to the door. I went out and heard him yell at the endoskeleton.
"Let me in!! You stupid ape!" I wondered why he called it an ape.
"Why is it an ape? It's an endoskeleton." Foxy looked at me.
"He's a human you dumb bunny!"
"Oh..." I was hurt on the inside. I stood quiet in the hall as Foxy passed me. It was the second time Foxy called me dumb. I don't know what an ape looks like, but I guess it looks like a human. I know that the kids and their parents are humans, so if the thing in the office is a human, than I would stuff him in a suit and kill him. I hated the thing, or him, in the office. He shuts me out. It is just an honest mistake. Upon closer inspection I or the others would see he's a human. It made me angry at him for this. I wanted to stuff him in the suit because he thinks of us as killers. I'm not a killer. But if I catch him I will kill him. I heard Foxy running and I ducked into the closet. After I heard bang bang bang I went to the office door. He shut the door and I left. I returned many times only to be blocked by the door. It's like he knew I was there. I left the door for the millionth time and checked the clock. It was 5:55. I saw Freddy walk down the west hall. I ran around the dining area as fast as I could. I heard the clock ring six as Chika and I got on stage. Freddy was carrying Foxy in his arms. He sat him behind the curtains at pirate cove. After that he got on stage. It was 6:02 and I heard the door open. I powered down into night mode and waited.

I waited for tonight.

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