Love me in the light, fear me in the dark

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I sit on stage. I am board but I don't leave like Bonnie and Chika. I am however fond of the dark. It conceals me and I can hide. I have always felt like hiding but can't during the day. If I left stage the people would replace me, and if they replace me I would be scrap metal. I hang on to my civilized nature and hide it in fear if someone found it they would steal it from me. It is however easier to hide it in the day because the programming overwrites the intelligence. I can suppress the rest of it by force. I feel sad because I, unlike the other three, I don't have a night mode, instead it's song lyrics.
I wait and watch the hours tick by. Chika rushes to the west hall and later Bonnie and Chika rush to the kitchen. Foxy comes out and looks at me. I look at him. Foxy runs as fast as his legs will move him. I hear a clang and a bang than Foxy darts into pirate cove and closes the curtains. Bonnie peeks out of the kitchen and at the clock. A moment later he dashes to the kitchen and I hear banging of pots and pans.
Bonnie appears and runs up next to me. Chika follows hot on his tail. She got stage as the door opened. There was taking and yelling.
"I QUI..T!" I admit I hear more than the others. This time it was stomping all the way to the office. I heard papers shuffling.
"I HAVE TO STAY TILL FRIDAY!?" Some more stomping than a slam and a crash. Bill came in and opens the curtains of pirate cove. Chika and Foxy were both in night mode. I'm surprised that Foxy still has it, they took off his programs.
I heard a light switch turn on and I was blinded by the light.
"Oh my! Oh my!" I heard Bill say.
"Oh my you are torn up aren't you?" I relax myself as he turns the light out.

I am thankful for his short visit to us.
I relax and let my mind flow.

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