Chapter 3

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I stepped away, still looking up to the innocent-looking boy. "Just say what you want, already. I need to get somewhere." He lets got of the hoodie, putting his hand on his probably soft hair, looking down... blushing?... Weird. Anyway... he said. "I couldn't help myself but to see that," He looks up to my e/c-colored eyes, putting his fist on his chest, timidly saying. "Your locker is next to mine."

I looked on the paper the teacher gave me, humming and looking up to him again, simultaneously. "So you're that nosy, huh?" My eyes widen when I saw his reaction, his mouth and eyes widen as he stepped back. Oh boy... I'm in a rabbit hole. "So-sorry, Fubuki... I didn't mean to insult you." I face palmed myself. 

"What am I doing?" I muttered, looking up to find the flustered twin. "Thanks." I kept my serious face, lending a hand for him to shake. "Look," He puts down my hand, me putting it back into my hoodie pocket. "I get that you're really sorry, and you don't need to apologize yourself all the time, okay? I also get that you're straight forward so... no worries." 

I nod, looking down. As he went back to the business in his locker. I, too, opened my locker and found it empty. There's a lot of work to do... huh? Well, I guess at least I know what to do with my stuff in the locker.

I put some useless stuff in the locker as I hear Shirou close his locker. "Wanna come with me to the cafeteria?" I looked at his gray eyes, making me want to look away so... I did. I felt him frown just from my peripherals as I said. "There's some unfinished work to do so... not now." He nods, leaving me and the duty of recreating my locker. 

After the done non-sense, I left the hallways and entered the cafeteria. Do I really wanna eat? Wait a minute... I groaned aloud, making everyone near me hear. I forgot my lunch bag back at home.

I sighed, walking towards the long line that awaited me inside the crowd-filled room. I got behind the last person waiting in line, as I stroked my h/c bangs as my other hand was in my hoodie pocket, holding some money. And yes, you need money for the food.

You looked around the cafeteria, taking a step forward as the line moves in sync. You spotted some of the familiarized groups that, yes, was in your old school.

There were the popular girls, the quiet kids, minding their on business in the corner, the theater kids, probably not even theater kids but just loud, extroverted ones, there were also the weird kid who sat alone, probably gonna be me, and then... the soccer team.

Yes, they were the only ones who I noticed the most. I should really stop staring. Maybe later on, someone might just think I'm a quiet fangirl which I must reinsure that no, I am not.

The line moves as I look at the person in front of me. After getting a salad,some fries, and whatever the reader wants to eat, like a burger. I went directly to the restrooms, no eye contact with anyone, not trying to be noticed or anything.

I got out the swarming room of bees, well... people. I got to the ladies' restroom and ate my share of needed nutrients for my body. It was pretty boring, intoxicating and worrying while I sat on the closed toilet bowl and eat my lunch, but, it's all I got.

When the bell rang, I wanted to wait 5 more minutes before I get to class. Because it was really makes me anxious whenever the thought of people knowing you ate at a public bathroom.

After the 5 minutes, I got off the toilet seat and made my way through the empty hallways just to return the tray I was holding from earlier, throwing the trash away while I'm at it.

But as I let my tray go and before I turn behind me, I was held at the shoulder. My eyes widen, not knowing who it will be as I hear the familiarized voice of the kind-hearted Fubuki twin, "Where were you, L/n?"

I felt Shirou let down his soft hand from my shoulder as I turn and see his shimmering gray eyes due from the light that was shining. He looked... How do we say this... cute. I must admit my silent defeat.

"I was," I couldn't think while looking at his beautiful eyes. And so, I looked away, feeling the heat go up to my cheeks. Why am I blushing? Am I embarrassed? "At a place where... you shouldn't know."

What? Your heart? I'm kidding. And yet, at the most heated situations I made a little love pun. Oh man, what is this teenager thinking about? I have no clue!

I looked back at his beautiful, shimmering eyes, noticing that I blushed. Ugh... I'd rather be embarrassed by the whole school than you! Man...

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm sorry (mad tone)... I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to be exposed to heat. Apparently, in your eyes, I can't sweat in front of you." I give him my narrowed look, crossing my arms as I look away.

I felt a slight headache, squeezing my head as I learned from my old school that this was a tension headache. I suddenly stopped my simple act and take off my arms from folding and put my hand over my aching head.

"L/n? Are you okay?" 

The light-gray haired boy has put his arm over your back as you bend over, sitting down. "O-ouch." You muttered as the Fubuki twin puts his hand over the hand that was on your head. "L/n... Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"What do you think?!"

After his affected question for my health, I yelled, answering his question with another. I'm sorry, Shirou. Now, that I think of it, my sarcasm should just be putten away. My fault.

I turned my head, making me look back at his eyes. Yes, my head was still in pain, yet I knew that this conversation shouldn't last long. Why? We still have our next class.

And so, I stood up... muttering something he couldn't hear as I run off to the nurses office.

"I'm sorry..."

Date: December 31- January 2, 2019-2020 [February 22, 2020]

Words: 1,100

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