Chapter 6

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After I recovered from the pain that my head gave me, it was only a few hours, yet, it was the end of school. Which means I, including some students who took the extra curricular activities, have to go to the club we desired.

And so, I grabbed my bag, thanked the nurse and closed the door, heading towards the soccer field...

I felt the slight breeze of the wind just passing by, slowly getting nearer, every step to the soccer field. As I stepped in, Atsuya greeted me from there. "Well, nice to see you L/n, go introduce yourself to coach." I groan, saying. "I'd be delighted."

Ah~~ Sarcasm. It really runs in the family. As I found, who I assume is the coach, tapped his shoulder from behind as he smiled right back at me. "Ah, I see, a new student--."

"L/n Y/n." I cut the coach off, taking a slight hint on who he was talking with earlier... Shirou.

I gave him a narrowed look him, making him notice. His eyes widen as he walks away, confused. Just like his younger brother. Yes, I figured out they weren't twins. And as I take off my eyes from the light-gray haired boy, I looked at coach, giving a bored expresion. I expected him to be recovered from his sudden shock.

"So, I bet you're here to join the team, aren't you?" I opened my mouth, letting out some words. "Yes, I am." The coach nods, leading me towards the soccer field. The size was mediocre, and of course, there was the goals, both left and right.

"Alright, L/n." The coach said. "I'm gonna choose your opponent." I nodded, queitly yet wondering who could it be, getting in position as I hope it was neither Shirou nor Atsuya.

But, to my sudden suspicion, I realized that my, now opponent, was, as you readers knew... Fubuki Shirou, the kind-hearted brother.

Date: January 2-3, 2020 + February 20, 2020

Words: 331 [337]

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