Chapter 2.8 (24)

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You've already learned, somewhere in your life, that not everything looks like as it seems. And, of course, I get it. You don't need to feel alone anymore.

*Bell ringing...

After practice, I was walking alone with Atsuya. Shirou was held back a bit... he told us to go ahead and he'll come sooner or later, forcing Atsuya and I to have a silent yet peaceful walk back home.

"So," Atsuya started, still avoiding eye contact. "What happened?" 

"What happened where?"

"To yours and Ms'. A/t/n's conversation a while ago?"

"Things happened," I said, not wanting him to know. "Yeah," He said, finally looking directly at me and I look at him back with the sunset behind him. "Be specific." 

I looked back to the road, seeing my house from a far, seeing flshing red and blue lights...

What... happened?

Thoughts and conclutions began to form into my thoughts as I tried to explain why were the cops surrounding my house.

"Sir," I tapped a cop who was looking as his notepad. "Do you mind if I asked you something important?"

"Look kid, now is not the time. There's a crime scene over here, can't you see?"

"First off, I'm not blind. Second, don't treat me like a foolish spoilt kid. Third, you're not busy and forth of all, I only have a question. Just one improtant question regarding the crime scene. It won't take up that much time if you would just shut up. You weren't busy in the first place, anyway."

"Whatever kid, you could end up in jail because of me."

"And yet to find me innocent. Now, answer my question right here, right now or waste your precious time getting annoyed by me, sir."

The cop groaned, answering. "Fine, just spit it."

"What crime was commited?"

"Murder." He groaned as I looked inside.

"Both Mr. And Mrs. L/n were killed this morning. Wait... are you their kid?"

"For the matter of fact: I am and I could find a place by myself, thank you. I don't need your help finding a home."

"But Ms. L/--."

"Not another word," I said as I tried not to tremble, heading over to Atsuya and face planting myself into his chest. "It's over." I mummbled as he stroked my hair and held my waist. "What's over, L/n?"

He asked as I looked up to him, mummbling. "My parents are dead." I sniffed laying on his neck. "Well, that's sad. What are you gonna do, now?"

"Can I stay at your house?"

"Whatever you wish,"

DATE: January 25-26, 2020

Words: 435

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