(Choice B) Chapter 2.5 (21)

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2/2 of a story...

I found myself on a hospital bed with the white walls of the room trying to blind me but never could. "Oh," I heard a gentle, feminine voice as I turn my head to a nurse. "Ms. L/n, you're awake! I'll go ahead and tell Mr. Fubuki."

Mr. Fubuki...? What happened? I can't remember a thing.

I heard the click of the door closing and heard foorsteps on the tiled floor. "Hey, Y/n," Shirou greeted me as I see his figure sit beside me on the left side of the bed. "How do you feel?" I felt him hold my left hand as I sat up.

"Great now that you're here." Shirou smiles, laying down as he jolds my waist. "Shirou..." I heard a hum from the boy as I look down at his face, wanting to cuddle. "What happened?"

"You... got hit by a car..." He opens his eyes and knitted his eyebrows, showing a frown. I smiled softly, laying down as I reach his eye vision, wrappig my hands arround his neck as we both face each other in the bed.

"It's not your fault, Shirou. I don't blame you for letting me get into a near-death life situation."

"Thank you," He whispered, laying his forehead on mine. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Shirou. I love you too."



First kiss from Shirou, huh? Well, that didn't happen in Choice a did it? Nope, All they got was a long flashback with a thousand words to find out you guys got kissed while they didn't.

Welp, not eveything is fair.

Date: January 18, (Bnha: Dabi's Birthday)  2020

Words: 283

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