Chapter 2.4 (20)

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We were walking in between two forests as the pathway lead us to our destination. We were keeping our hands to ourselves, not even thinking about anything. We were just enjoying the pretty sight of the snow still falling down from the skies.

"Hey Y/n," The boy looked over to me, a girl with h/c hair as she follows a path with a famous soccer player. "What is it?" The boy looks back at the path that he was walking on and answered my question. "Well, I was wondering if--."

"Save it for last, Shirou. We're not done yet." 

Shirou looks over to me as soon as I cut him off, again. He blushed, knowing what I was thinking as I kept my eyes on the road. 

This was a long path, we were barely half way even though it's been half an hour. I wanted to hug him but as I look on the road again... 

QUICK!!! Pick one!!!

a.) Shirou moved me out of the way, making him stand on my place.

b.) I looked at the object as it's flashing lights blur my vision.


Wow, A cliffhanger choice, huh? Well, you better chose at least 1 and go through the path of what you chose. If you want to read both: Go ahead! I support you. Anyway, sorry for keeping things slow but whatever.

Date: January 17, 2020 [February 22, 2020]

Words: 234 [241]

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