Chapter 7

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I felt the hot sun beaming out of the sky. I felt my sweat, falling from my soft-skinned face. And as I see the Fubuki brother get to his position, I felt the slight headache again, ignoring it as I look at the guy, determined to win this fight.

At the sound of the whistle, I got the chance to kick the ball which was in the middle of the field. The Fubuki brother followed me, heading towards his goal. I didn't have my plan just, yet. But I had a feeling... if I just played: he might not know what I was planning off... which was nothing.

And so, as I felt some eyes on me, the Fubuki brother, chasing behind me as I dribbled the ball with my feet, I could hear the soft huffs and groans that Shirou was letting out of his mouth, getting nearer and nearer every thought I had of him.

Then finally, he was a defender. He went in front of my surprised figure, not showing much emotion, as the boy smirks, giving me a slight idea. No, the kind-hearted boy wasn't a goal keeper. Thus, he isn't that near the goal. And so...

"Goal!!!" Coach yelled as I kicked the ball, purposley missing as the ball hits the metal part of the goal, bouncing back to me as I kick it in between the soccer players legs, owning him a surprised look.

Shirou got a few blinks of confusion, standing in front of me as he nodded, saying. "Welcome to the team, princess." He smiled, lending a hand for, this time, me, to shake. I looked at him, feeling a little confident yet timid, still not wanting to talk to him.

"Princess?" I hid my hands behind me back as Shirou lets down his hand, rubbing his head with his other hand. "Isn't that a little... sudden?" I give him a look of concern as he looks away from me, probably embarrased.

"I'm sorry, L/n." He gives an obviously weak smile with closed eyes, giving me a little hint that he thought he made a bad decision. "I got used to it... being nice." After correcting himself, he shows his frown, opening his eyes. Then, looking away. Man, this dude has a ton of emotions.

But... Don't I have the same?

Don't I do the same?

I sighed, giving him the benefit of the doubt, giving him a soft smile, I made myself. A signature smile. "Good game?" He looks at me, with a cofused look, then turning it into a beaming, special smile I didn't see in any of the pictures I saw on google.

"Good game."

Date: January 3, 2020

Words: 455

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