Chapter 15

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When Atsuya and Shirou had calmed down, I asked. "Can we talk, now?" And as Atsuya sits down on his own seat, Shirou nods, making me move closer to the brothers.

"Shirou, why have you been ignoring us?" Atsuya looked sad. I felt like he knew the answer... but I'm just assuming. What's the worst he could do? Anyways, Shirou puts his feet up, looking deep into my e/c orbs. 

He looked beautiful... well, not girly beautiful but... you know what I mean. He had his gray eyes staring back at mine, they were sparkling like nothing before. No, this wasn't the Shirou I saw that one night. I smiled, softly.

Atsuya sighed, looking away. He felt somewhat sad... Couldn't let my finger wrap around it... Why is Atsuya sad that he get's to talk to his elder brother, again? Maybe, he has a different reason to be sad... But I just can't let it hit the domino.

Shirou looks away as his beautiful light-gray strands of hair follow. He made me want to blush. Of course... I never met this guy before. Well, that's what my memory remembers. 

"Well," A tint of blush appears. It seems like he doesn't wanna admit anything in front of me. But, he just can't answer... He already started his sentence..

"The reason why I've been ignoring you both was because... I... was..."

A pause was formed.



Just a reminder, we're getting closer to the end of part one. If you wanna see part two. Finish Chapter 16 and you're there...maybe.

Plus, in the second part... you'll get to know your fake past and get to cuddle with Shirou.. maybe. But... If you want that, I'll be putting it all the way into Chapter 17... or somewhere in between chapters.

Date: January 11, 2020

Words: 308


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