Chapter 2.12 (28)

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I began rambling with the brothers about the video I just recoreded a while ago, asking them if I should show it or not. Luckily, both of them answer the same answer, leaving me in front of the principals office,

"Y/n, you could do this. I know you could." Shirou hugged me above my shoulders from behind as I face-to-face with the principal's door. "What if," I started. "She wont beleive me and Ms. A/t/n has her nose on me, knowing that I know her secret."

"Y/n, look around, all of us are humans, the principal understands you. That's her job. Taking care of the school."

I nodded in silence as he kissed my cheek, whispering. "If you're not ready," he was nibbling on my eatlobe, sending chills down my spine as his lips and my ear touch. "You could show them by a performance."

He had an idea...

That's it! [Happy tone]

You see, readers, there's a play happening on Friday night and I had the power to control the monitor on the stage, giving me access to show the video.

I giggled, whispering. "I love you."

Date: January 27, 2020

Words: 200

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