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Look who we have here, said the nurse. Sorry it took more than an hour and thirty minutes. After cleaning him and doing the test he fell asleep said the nurse. Oh that's ok said Kennedy. Here you go new mommy, your baby said the nurse. If you need anything just press the red button next to you said the nurse. Ok thank you said Kennedy. Christopher Isaac was wide awake in Kennedy's arms. Christopher has bright blue eyes with little hair on top of his head. Aw my baby said Kennedy talking to Christopher.

4 days later
Kennedy and Christopher have been in the hospital for 5 days already. Today was the day they got released to go home. Mom do you have all of Christopher's things? Asked Kennedy. Yes honey reply her mom. Don't forget to buckle Chris in his car seat said Kennedy's mom. No mom, that's what I'm doing right now reply Kennedy.

We are home guys said Kennedy's father. Kennedy was carrying Chris in his car seat. He looks like an angel said Kennedy's mom. Yo sis can I carry him? Asked Leonardo. Sure, but be careful and gentle reply Kennedy. I just hope Christopher doesn't look like that bastard said Jerome. Starting now no one talks about the bastard ever again said Kennedy's father.

One week later
Christopher Isaac has been home for a week now. He wakes up crying in the middle of the night. Sometimes he sleeps all night or sometimes he doesn't . He weeks up until 10:45am, so that gives Kennedy time to herself.

Kennedy is still homeschool. Her classes start from 12:00pm till 4:00pm. Sometimes her family members help her out with Christopher but she takes care of him more. In contrast, she doesn't like to depend on people. On the other hand, she is not sure if she still wants to be a professional dancer. She wants to be something like a lawyer, teacher, or maybe even a art director.

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