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Kennedy and Giorgio stopped talking to each other. However, he still haven't given up on her. For example, he sent her flowers and gifts for months. Until Giorgio decided it was time to give up on Kennedy.

Kennedy came out from school when Giorgio carry her and took her inside of his car. Sicko what are you doing? Asked Kennedy. Don't try to kill me said Giorgio sarcastic. I'm just here to tell you I'm very sorry for everything I done to you. Also, I give up on and I hope you can find someone better said Giorgio. Lastly, I'm leaving New York and moving away said Giorgio. Stop playing around with me said Kennedy. I'm serious, you won't ever see my face again in this state said Giorgio. Honestly said Kennedy. Honestly said Giorgio rolling his eyes at Kennedy. Argh don't roll your eyes at me said Kennedy. Ok whatever you say queen Kentucky said Giorgio. My name is Kennedy not Kentucky reply Kennedy. I know just kidding reply Giorgio. Well I hope you don't die, and live happily ever after said Kennedy. Likewise reply Giorgio. Do you need a ride home? Asked Giorgio. No it's okay I'll take the subway reply Kennedy. Oh I see you're a city girl reply Giorgio. Kennedy got out of Giorgio's car and Giorgio too. I guess this is good bye said Kennedy. Yeah reply Giorgio with his hands in his hoodie pocket. Out of no where Kennedy pulled Giorgio by his green hoodie and kissed him pressing his body against the car. Once again Giorgio picked up Kennedy by her waist and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Kennedy played with Giorgio's dark hair while kissing him. The wind was blowing making Kennedy's hair fly everywhere. Caleb was driving by when he saw Kennedy making out with some stranger on the sidewalk. He felt some ache in his chest but ignored it and kept driving.

Before leaving Giorgio called Caleb but he didn't answer, so he left him a voice mail. Sorry, but everything about Kennedy cheating on you is fake she never did and her son Christopher is also your son. The last thing Giorgio did before leaving to the airport was throwing his phone to the garbage. On the other hand, when Giorgio was in the airplane he couldn't forget what Kennedy told him last. " you were my first love until you messed it up causing all this revolution, you killed all my feelings for you along time ago but, now and then it's like the first time I ever met you and the same feeling but I'm choosing to let you go without my feelings because I know we can last together but I choose to be set free and be happy" said Kennedy to Giorgio.

Aren't you going to check your cell phone said Emma to Caleb. Later it doesn't matter when I'm with you reply Caleb.

Caleb was leaning on the wall with some of his friends and girls smoking and drinking. Caleb decided to go home. Caleb open his car door and got in checking his cell phone. He pressed on the voice mail botton and listen while starting the engine and driving off home. " Kennedy never cheated on you and her son is your son too" was all Caleb heard before he saw flashing lights.

It was already February fourteen and it was Christopher's first birthday day and Valentine's Day also.

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