Arc 1: Chapter Two

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And I'm havin' a little bit of trouble accepting, too

Present Day
Meliodas' Age: 18
Elizabeth's Age: 17

"Its a draw!" Says the announcer.

Elizabeth and Meliodas sigh simustantously. "Looks like we've tied again princess," Meliodas smirks.

"That we have...and stop calling me princess," she states before turning around to walk towards her friends.

Almost everything Elizabeth does, Meliodas joins. Same goes for Meliodas. It was almost like they were obsessed with eachother.

Every single contest they've entered, has ended up as a tie. Chest, any sport, and now here they were, tieing at this karate competition.

"You did great Elizabeth!" Cheers her bestfriend Diane.

"Apparently not since I didn't beat him..." she pouts.

"Relax girl! Who would've know that he also took five years worth of karate too? And either way, for fighting a boy, you tied!" Diane says, still smiling.

"Shes right. You'll get him next time," her other friend Elaine says.

"Thanks guys...I'll see you later. I think my mom wants to talk to me since she keeps eyeing me." Elizabeth says rolling her eyes.

"The onion is calling," Diane jokes making Elaine stifle a laugh.

"Why do they call her an onion...?" Elizabeth asks herself

(Stole this from someone else story...hope they don't mind me using that nickname)

"Ah, so you finally decided to come over to your mother," Anastasia says. "Its not like that mom...I was just saying hey to my friends." Elizabeth says rolling her eyes as she walks with her mother.

"Don't act like I didn't see that eyeroll," she says pinching her.

"Ouch! Okay mom I'm sorry!" Elizabeth exclaims just as they bump into a certain blonde she hated.

"Looks like your in trouble," Meliodas exclaims with a slight laugh before taking a picture. As soon as he takes the picture Elizabeth pounces on him, quickly taking his phone and deleting it.

"Elizabeth. Up. Theres people watching. Your a young lady act like one."

"He was going to ruin my image with that picture!" Elizabeth exclaims before fixing her hair.

"Sorry for the trouble Mr. Drakon." Anastasia says.

"Its fine. Are we still on for dinner this Friday? And are you bring Elizabeth?" He asks.

"Of course. Let's hope they get along this time." Anastasia says as they leave.

"Your bringing me to you guys dinner time? I haven't been there for like...12 years."

"You and Meliodas need to get over your childish arguing. I honestly thought you two would be dating by now." Says her mother as they enter their limo. Elizabeth blushes. "D-dating...? I hate him why would I date him."

"Well my dear Elizabeth, you should start looking for a husband, and Meliodas is a great candidate. Just think about it."

Elizabeth sighs. "What's my schedule for this week?"

"Ah! Glad you asked! Me and your father have been talking, and he wants to see you!" Her mother says.

Elizabeth mentally groans. "She didn't hate her father but...her and her sisters have never been close. They think shes snobby just because of who her mother is. She didn't really know much about them anyway since shes never really talked to them."

"We'll be switching custody of you every week. He'll also make sure you get to all of your modeling gigs."

Elizabeth mentally groans again. She also hated modeling. She was forced to stay skinny by basically starving herself.

"Okay..." Elizabeth says, snuggling into her sweater before pulling out her phone. It was a 2 hour drive back to their house anyway.

Elizabeth opens her Instagram app to see her and Meliodas' fight trending and sighs before closing the app. She didn't want to see her whole life on social media all the time...but her mother would give them any scoop that she could get.

Finding it the best option to sleep, Elizabeth closes her eyes and let's it takeover.


Meliodas sighs. The whole trip home his father was busy ranting about how he should've won against a girl. Meliodas didn't really care though. He'd never tell Elizabeth this but she's strong.

"I want you to invite Elizabeth to you and your bands concert. Whenever the next one is." His father states.

Meliodas raises a brow as they finally make it inside their house.

"Why would I?" He scoffs.

"I hope you don't forget that you need to start looking for a wife. And Elizabeth's a perfect candidate. Sure you two don't get along but shes proper, excels in everything, loved by the world, and also wealthy. You should work on befriending her and building a relationship."

"I hate her, she hates me. That's the only relationship we'll ever have."

His father sighs and heads up the stairs. "You have school tomorrow, work on your studies." He states before heading up stairs.

That's the last thing I'll be doing. Meliodas says as he heads up the stairs.

"Zelly!" He calls, heading to his younger brothers room.

Zeldris groans. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me thag," Meliodas smirks ruffling his hair. "How many times do I have to tell you I won't?"

Zeldris decides to ignore his brothers comment and go back into his phone.

"How was you guys concert?" Meliodas decides to ask his brother. Both of them were in rivaling bands...although the rival part was more of for entertainment. No one knew that they weren't really rivals except a few.

"Good. How was your match? I saw the headlines. Another draw."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'll beat her at something."

"You both are so determined to beat two would make a nice couple." Zeldris says, making Meliodas cross his arms. "Never. And why do people keep saying that?"

You both are practically the same. Zeldirs thinks to himself.

"I wonder why..." Zeldris says sarcastically.

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