Arc 1: Chapter Twelve

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Can we just reset, restart and then replay
Take me back to when all
You wanted was to love on me everyday, yeah
I like you, I like you, I like you
Word I will never hear from you
Wishin' I could turn back the hands of time
To when I feel your hands on me
And your lips on mine

For the rest of the day, Elizabeth was fine. But when it came down to coming home, she didn't want to.

She was scared. So scared. What if he touched her again? What if he thought he could boss her around?

Elizabeth waves goodbye to Meliodas and the rest of their group. They all had band practice today.

Elizabeth gets into her car and drives home, and surely yet, they both were home.

A maid opens the door for her also telling her that "Your mothers waiting for you in her study,"

Elizabeth sighs, mumbling something under her breath before giving the maid her bag. "I'll go there right now," she says heading that way.

She knocks on the door and as soon as she says "Come in," she opens the door.

Her mom looked at her as intimidating as ever, and Micheal say right beside her.

"Thanks for coming Elizabeth, now, it's time to discuss your punishment."

Elizabeth stays silent, avoiding Micheals gaze on her as she fiddles with her hands.

"I've decided that you'll be staying with your father after me and Micheal will be married,"

"When will that be?" Elizabeth asks.

"About a month. Before you're sent off you'll need to finish the song you and Meliodas are working on with Micheal." Her mother states.

"You're dismisssd,"

Elizabeth leaves the room, and let's out a breath of relief as she does. This was the best punishment she could've hoped for.

She heads to her room and immediately falls down onto the pillows.

I'm exhausted. She thinks to herself before someone knocks on the door. She mentally sighs. More people?

"Come in," Elizabeth calls, not thinking. It all hits her when Micheal comes in.

Elizabeth sits up a bit, now becoming aware of the situation she was in.

"Is there something you want...? Because if not you can get out-"

But she unable to finish that sentence as he grabs her neck, pushing her closer to him.

"Oh how I've been waiting for this moment..." he whispers kissing her lips.

Elizabeth tries to push him away, but he was too strong. That doesn't stop her fight though. As soon as his tongue enters her mouth she bites down hard on it, making him jump back.

"If my mother finds out you're up here she'll-"

"I know Anastasia all too well. She won't do anything. She doesn't even believe her own daughter," Micheal states smirking.

He's right... Elizabeth thinks to herself.

Micheal takes this as a time to tackle her to the floor. As he does, the lamp falls over causing glass to break all over hed. He doesn't care though, and continues kissing her neck before leaving hickeys all along her neckline.

It didn't feel the same. With Meliodas it was sweet and loving but his...were harsh, full of a dirty lust. The worst part was that she couldn't do anything as he removed her clothes.

"God...your even prettier than before," he states grabbing at her breast.

Silent tears fall down her eyes. She couldn't beg, she couldn't plead, she couldn't yell, she couldn't do anything. He had her tied in a knot...he had control over her and it wasn't fair.

"I should stop...don't want the maids to start rumours." He says standing up. He then pulls out his phone, taking photos of her. "If you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, these will be leaked." He says leaving.

As soon as he's gone she breaks down. She looks herself in the mirror and sees all the damage he's done. The hickeys, the bruises, the cuts on her face.

The thought of him doing it again weigh down on her, eating at her, and she couldn't tell anyone...

Not that anyone would believe me anyway.

Double update!!

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