Arc 1: Chapter Ten

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And you just wanted rock 'n roll, no heart and soul
And I knew that from the beginning
So why don't I feel like I'm winning
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm the joke
The punchline that got too old
It's killing me to see you gone 'cause I never told you

They arrived at the photoshoot in no time, and as soon as their there, Elizabeth's rushed into hair and makeup. Unlike how she normally wears her hair they curl it, and out her bangs to the middle.

The outfits she wears is a black long sleeved top, with a white skirt, along with some black and white boots.

Elizabeth exits the room to see them taking pictures of someone else already. She walks over to the area, and that's when she has to do a double take. That's also when she realizes the matching outfits.

She looks over to her mom, who was waving her over to where she stood with Meliodas' father

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She looks over to her mom, who was waving her over to where she stood with Meliodas' father.

"They want you to go join him now. Just act natural," she says.

Elizabeth breathes in deeply, nodding. She'd be fine. She's modeled with plenty of other dudes before...but, well, none were clearly like him.

"You look beautiful as always, Elizabeth," he says, smirking. Elizabeth blushes and he takes this as the time to pull her close.

"Don't be scared to be intimate, you two are a couple correct?" The photographer asks. The two nod.

"Just act natural," the photographer says.

The photoshoot finishes within two hours, and many of the shots were good, although Elizabeth was still confused as to what they were here for.

"So I'm sure you two are wondering what this photoshoot is for!" Her mother says, rather happily.

"Well we've both decided that you two are going to come out with a song together! These photos were for the cover and-"

"Mom, I don't sing for industries anymore," Elizabeth interrupts as an old memory comes to her mind. Anastasia laughs. "Nonsense Ellie, you sing everywhere else but as soon as it's time for you to sing for an actual song you chicken out? You'll be fine!" She says.

"M-mom you know I can't," Elizabeth says, the memory becoming vivider.

"Your singing and that's final! You'll be fine! You need to get past that silly dream any way."

Elizabeth freezes at that, a few tears falling down her eyes. "It wasn't a dream-"

"That's enough Elizabeth! Go and get changed, I'm ready to leave," Anastasia says rolling her eyes.

Elizabeth wipes away the stray tears and hurries to the back, Meliodas following after her.

"You don't have to tell me what had happened back then, just know it's okay to cry." Meliodas says.

Elizabeth turns to him, and that's when she let's it all lose. She falls into his arms, crying.

"Just know I'll believe you," Meliodas whispers, while caressing her hair.

Elizabeth sniffles, wiping her eyes a bit.

"Back when I was younger...I was in the studio without my mom. I honestly never really knew the man but I would be with him almost all the time. Then one day...he...he started touching on me...a-and..." she tries ro find the correct words, twirling her hands nervously.

"...some other stuff..." she decides to continue. "The worst part was that when my mom walked in she didn't stop him...and when we left he gave her some money. A-at the the time...I was unaware of what was going on but then, she started doing it more frequently." Elizabeth states, wiping away a few tears.

"One day we were at the studio. This person pushed the limit and almost raped me...I confronted my mom but she told me I was lying. Till this day...I wonder if it really was all a dream. I'm sure my mom loves me...and I don't think she'd sell my body for fame b-but the memories are too real," she sighs, looking down.

How would he think of her now? Would he think that she's lying?

But instead, Meliodas just hugs her tighter. "Listen, I believe you. And I think your moms an absolute bitch for that. I'll convince my dad for us not to do the song."

Elizabeth nods, standing up. She decides to do as her mother says and get out of the clothes she's been in while taking this photoshoot.

She starts with the makeup, which was now smudged, and wipes it all off her face, all moving her bangs back to how they were on the side.

She undresses right there, not honestly caring, and changes into a yellow hoodie dress that stopped mid-thigh with yellow shoes.

She undresses right there, not honestly caring, and changes into a yellow hoodie dress that stopped mid-thigh with yellow shoes

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Once that's finished she grabs her small bag and exits with Meliodas.

They say there goodbyes from there, and Elizabeth and her mother are the first to leave.

"Someones waiting for us back at home, and it's someone I really want you to meet," she says. Elizabeth looks at her confused. Her mother didn't have friends...and if she did they were being paid to do it. Her mother also didn't really talk about her who really could it be.

The rest of the 30 minute drive is silent until they get there, another car already being in the garage.

"I'm sure you'll like him Elizabeth, and you've even met him before!" Her mother says happily.

Elizabeth nods slowly to herself, not honestly knowing what to say.

"We're home!" Anastasia calls as they enter the house. "Do you know where our guest is?" Her mother asks one of the maids.

"He's waiting in the dining area, I assume you both would like dinner aswell?" Questions the maid. "Yes, that'd be wonderful," Anastasia smiles before turning to Elizabeth.

"Put on something...better looking. This is business," she says.

Elizabeth sighs but nods heading up the stairs. She grabs the first thing she could find in her closet, which was a light pink dress before heading downstairs.

She enters the dining room freezes when she sees him. Her hands begin to shake, and she can feel her eyes tearing up.

"Elizabeth hunny, come sit down. I'm sure you remember Micheal, the one you'd always be in the studio with? He's helping you with you and your boyfriends song!" Her mother cheers.

Elizabeth doesn't say anything, she couldn't. All she could do is stand there.

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