Arc 1: Chapter Five

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No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no
No, no, no

~7 Years Later~

Elizabeth looks at the time as she gets up that morning.

I was able to sleep in? She questions, noticing it was already twelve

For what seemed like the first time in forever, she wasn't woken up to to a baby crying, or any children in her face.

Elizabeth stands up, putting on her robe. As soon as she exits their room, the smell of brunch hits her nose, and the sound of children hits her ears.

"Mommy! You're awake!" her eldest son yells. 

He was born with her silver hair, along with one blue eye and one green, something all their children seemed to have.

"That I am!" Elizabeth says while picking him up.

"Is your father cooking breakfast?" she asks. Tristan scrunches his face up in disgust. 

"No way! Uncle Ban is!" 

Elizabeth laughs at her seven year old. "That's good." she says as they enter the kitchen.

"Ah, sleeping beauty is awake." Meliodas says as he kisses her lips.

"Goodmorning everyone!" Elizabeth says, waving to all their friends that were currently here. 

"Thank you for waking up the kids," she whispers to Meliodas, smiling. "I happened to wake up early and decided to wake up Tristan and Emilia before they before they fought." Meliodas says.

Emilia, her eldest daughter who was six years old. (her and Tristan are 18 months apart). She was currently the girl version of Tristan with the same silver hair and the one blue eye and one green one. 

"What about Emersyn? She didn't go to be until like twelve last night." Elizabeth says.

"She was a bit cranky, but she's fine." Meliodas says.

Emersyn, their second daughter who was currently three years old had been the first child in their family to have Meliodas' blond hair. Her eyes were the same as her older siblings.

"That's good," Elizabeth says with a smile.

Ban and Elaine currently had two children, a boy and a girl, Lancelot who was six and Isa who was three. King and Diane had one child, Lillianna who was six, and were currently pregnant with a boy. Zeldris and Gelda also had one child, a boy who was six named Alphonse.  

After eating brunch with their friends and family, they all got dressed in their bathing suits, finding it best to go swimming on such a nice day. 

"Have you told Meliodas yet?" Diane asks her friend.

"Nope...if I had he'd be freaking out." Elizabeth laughs.

"I mean, who wouldn't...four kids already. You two have exceptional luck."

"Meliodas jokingly said that we'll have seven kids...guess that's happening." 

"What're you two talking about?" Meliodas asks, causing both girls to jump.

"N-nothing!" both say. Meliodas eyes them.

"Are you sure?" he asks, knowing that Elizabeth was lying. 

" about we go out into the water, Meliodas?" Elizabeth asks, grabbing her husbands hand. 

"Okay..." Meliodas says, following her.

"Both go out to the shoreline, placing their feet into the water.

"You ready to tell me about what you and Diane were talking about? No secrets, remember?" he asks. 

Elizabeth pouts. "You always use that,"

He laughs. "And so do you," 

"Well, if you have to know, I'm pregnant." Elizabeth says.

Meliodas freezes, which makes her laugh. 

"Again?" he asks.

"Again," she answers. 

"You mad?"

'No...of course not...just, surprised." he says making her laugh some more. 

"Remember that joke you made? About having seven children? I think it's coming true." Elizabeth says, grabbing hands with him. Meliodas squeezes her hand.

"I wouldn't mind as long as it's with you." He smiles.

"Elizabeth," he calls her name.

"Yes?" she asks.

"I love you," he tells her.

"I love you too,"

And so, they ended up having 7 children, and went "From Hate, to Love."

The End

A/N: This ending was so rushed but I wanted to give you all the ending you deserved!!
Thanks to everyone whose stuck with the story, through the good and the bad.
There will not be a sequel, since I honestly don't know what else I would be able to put. 
Once again, thank you for reading!


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