Arc 2: Chapter Seven *22*

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Even though we're going through it
And it makes you feel alone
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah
The distance and the time between us
It'll never change my mind, 'cause baby
I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah

After lunch everyone heads upstairs to their rooms to get changed. They would be going to a museum and then to dinner in two hours, and the teachers wanted to give everyone time to get ready.

Elizabeth enters the room, and that's when she remembers that her and Elaine switched. Meliodas still wasn't there so she takes this as the time to take a shower without him being pervy.

As she gets undressed, she looks herself over in the mirror. The small bump wouldn't be noticable when she had clothes on thankfully, but still, it amazed her at how fast her body was changing.

When she gets out the shower her eyes meet Meliodas. For once she thought he'd be normal since he's seen her plenty of times half naked but instead he decides to do the exact opposite.

A smirk comes to his face as he stands up, walking over to her. "We do have two and you could-"

"Go get ready," she says, slightly annoyed. It kinda confuses him, since he's never really seen her like that.

"Yes ma'am," he says going into the bathroom.

With that being done she opens her suitcase, looking for an outfit. It was pretty hot here so she decided to wear a nude crop top with a orangish brownish skirt with buttons. She looks herself over in the mirror, specifically her stomach. It was a bit tight, but it still covered her up quite well. No one would notice.


he then moves onto her hair. Usually she'd wear it down as normally but, she was kinda tired of the way her bangs sat. She moves her side bangs to the middle, also pulling out some scissors and cutting them just a bit.

Meliodas exits the shower a bit later, nothing on but a towel.

He looks at her. "Woah, did you cut your hair?" He asks. She shrugs. "Just a bit," she says turning away as he gets dressed.

Meliodas laughs. "No need to be shy Ellie, you've seen it all before." He says making her blush.

"I'm...I'm not trying to be turned on right now," she says, blushing even harder. Meliodas laughs even harder at this. "Didn't know I made you feel this way," he says.

They both finish getting dressed right on time. Their class would be meeting down stairs in five minutes.

They head downstairs where most of their class was waiting, including Ban and Elaine.

"King and Diane aren't here yet?" Meliodas asks them.

"Well...I called Harlequin earlier and he seemed a bit...busy." she says, a slight blush going to her cheeks.

Elizabeth blushes, knowing exactly what she was talking about as Ban and Meliodas laugh.

"Oh I'm gonna have an earful for Diane later~" Ban says just as they come downstairs.

"Don't blow our cover princess. We know you can't exactly keep a secret," Ban says as they both head over.

"Hey guys! Is everyone here?" Diane asks. Elaine engages in conversation with her while Elizabeth keeps her mouth shut.

"Something wrong with Ellie...?" Elaine questions. "Shes just fine," Diane says.

Luckily, the teacher comes and they all load the bus. They go to the Museum of Art for awhile before reloading the bus to eat dinner at Marukame Udon Waikiki.

Once that's finished they head back to their hotel room, where the real fun begins....

...or so that's what Meliodas had thought.

"Why're you sleeping in the other bed?" Meliodas asks her, once he finishes changing into his night clothes, which was just boxers since he was around her.

A slight blush comes to her cheeks. "W-well what if the administration and other staff walk in? Won't they get mad?"

Meliodas shrugs. "I doubt they would, plus most of our teachers are asleep already." He says. Without any other excuse she climbs into bed next to him. With that the touching begins, and Elizabeth decides to call it off. Knowing Meliodas he'd notice that she was pregnant if she got completely naked.

"C-could you please s-stop?" She asks, shocking Meliodas. Whenever he was in the mood she usually was aswell.

"Is there something wrong Elizabeth? You seem a bit on edge," he says.

Elizabeth bites her lip before sighing. "Don't you think we're going a little too fast?" She asks. They've known eachother all their lives, but they haven't been dating for long. Only 10 months. And that was fake dating.

"If you feel like that, I'll hold back, but the reason I'm going a bit fast is because I already know it's you. It's you I need to be sane, to be happy, to feel complete....and you might really think this is a bit soon but...I've finally learned that I love you," he says.

A small tear escapes her eye. Should I tell him now...?

"Meliodas I-" she stops thinking for a bit before continuing. "Meliodas I, I'm...I love you too," she says, cuddling into his arms and falling asleep.

In the end she chickened out.

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