Very Important A/N

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After a very touch decision, I have decided that I'm going on a month long break after this week, so my last day uploading stories will be Saturday. The reason being is because I need to get my head together. Yes, I know I promised more chapters but my mental health is at risk and I just need a small break to get it together.
I have alot of time on my hands now that school has been canceled, and I love writing and I still am going to write during this break but, the process of uploading is really taking a toll on me.

You all may ask, "How is updating/publishing a Chapter taking a toll on you?" Well that's because I keep having to worry about it. I've sent alarms and reminders on when to update, but I also end up updating late at night, since it'll be resurfaced to mine then and only then. Not only that, I need to build up some prewritten chapters before I begin publishing again.

I hope you all understand, and when I come back, I'll also have a new update schedule and maybe two new stories. I'll also be looking for some inspiration for The Trials of Forbidden Love and From Hate, To Love. I'll be returning on May 10, or earlier if I feel as if I've gotten everything together.

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