Arc 2: Chapter Five *20*

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I'm finding ways to manipulate the feelin' you're goin' through
But baby girl, I'm not blamin' you
Just don't blame me too, yeah
'Cause I can't take this pain forever
And you won't find no one that's better
'Cause I'm right for you, babe
I think I'm right for you, babe

The school week went on it normally did but one thing they had learned that was pretty exciting was that they were going to Honolulu, Hawaii for their senior trip.

"Do you think you'll be able to go?" Elaine asks Elizabeth.

" dad will probably let me but my mom will freak out and start crying and then say how I'm growing up so fast and cry some more before allowing it. I'll probably just tell my dad," Elizabeth says with a sigh. Elaine laughs softly.

"You headed anywhere after? I could call up Diane and we could have a girls day."

"I'd love that but my moms made it clear that I'm all hers today since she hasn't seen me in two weeks."

"I'm sure you'll have fun,"

"Maybe...either way, you should pray for me," Elizabeth says as they part ways.

She makes it to her moms house in no time, in which she does exactly as Elizabeth thought and acts all dramatic.

"Oh sweetheart! I haven't seen you in a almost two decades!"

Elizabeth rolls her eyes, hugging her back. "Its been two weeks but whatever," she says rolling her eyes..

Anastasia then convinces Elizabeth to leave her car here, probably as an excuse so she'd come back and stay the night, as they went to her appointment.

"Before I give you the birth control, I do have to give you a quick check up, firstly I need you to pee in this cup."

Elizabeth does all she says and waits for her to come back, which ends up taking longer than she had thought.

"Sorry for the long wait. The last thing you need to do is take this pregnancy test, not saying you are but before I give you any birth control I have to make sure you're not pregnant." Elizabeth nods, reading the instructions on the pregnancy test before giving it to her.

The doctor comes back around ten minutes later.

"So are we finally able to complete the process?" Her mother asks.

"Actually, this may be good or bad news but, from this pregnancy test, your daughter is pregnant. Now I know she is under eighteen, and there are many other things to do with this baby like abortion or adoption. Along with that-"

But the rest of her words are drowned out for Elizabeth. She was pregnant? As in with child? She knew it was a possibility but she didn't think it'd be all that true!

Elizabeth stayed caught in her own thoughts for the rest of the appointment, just wondering how in the world was this possible? She knew how but...why so soon? She had her whole life ahead of her, more modeling, maybe even going to college. And then how would Meliodas feel? He was in a band, going to college, and taking over his father's company.

"Elizabeth, she needs to know if you'll be keeping that baby or not."

"I'll..." she trails off thinking about it. "I'll keep it," she answers. Despite how bad she felt her life could become because of this, she didn't want to kill it.

The appointment ended after that and Elizabeth headed back to her mother's house. The whole trip back was quiet, and Elizabeth went straight to her room as soon as they arrived back home.

"Ellie...its been hours. Do you want to eat?" Anastasia asks outside her door. "I'm not hungry," Elizabeth answers.

Anastasia sighs opening the door. "Look Elizabeth, I understand this shocked you but you should've been honest with me and told me you wanted to have sex! Then I could've-"

"Please don't make this about you." Elizabeth says annoyed. "I understand." She pauses, looking at her hands as a few tears fall.

"I get that this is my fault...but can you just hold me tightly and tell me everything's gonna be alright?" Elizabeth asks, looking up at her mother with tear filled eyes.

"I'm sorry sweetheart...I was being selfish." She says, hugging her tightly. "Just know, depsite what happens, I'll he there beside you and everything's gonna be alright." She whispers lovingly to her.

That night Elizabeth sobs in her mothers chest. She didn't know where this road would take her or how everything would turn out.

And she definitely didn't know there was more hell to come.

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