Arc 1: Chapter Eight

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I want you, I want you, I want you

I want you to want me, too

I know that I signed up for this casually

But I fell for your tricks, I'm the casualty

Her and Meliodas make it to dinner, they were at some fancy place called Per se. Their was paparazzi basically surrounding them but they didn't really care.

"Have you ate here before?" Elizabeth asks trying to make small talk. "No, but my dad basically planned the reservation so..." he shrugs.

"What about you?" He continues.

"Once when I was a child. I remember telling my mom I hated it here, since despite how high priced everything was it was still who the hell eats caviar?" Elizabeth says, scrunching up her face as she recalls the memory.

They finish up dinner, which was still disgusting in Elizabeth's mind, and get on the road.

"Where are we going?" Elizabeth questions, noticing as they get on the highway.

"Somewhere a bit far from here," he says, a smirk on his face as he begins driving.

She looks at him questionably.

"How far? And where are we even going?"

"Only about an hour and a half. I don't think there's much traffic either. As for where we're going, all I can say is that the city is Los Angelos." he says like it was nothing. (A/N: In this story they live in California, being from Bel Air)

Elizabeth sighs, deciding to get comfortable.

They were almost there when they got caught up in traffic.

"What was that about there not being much traffic?" Elizabeth asks, a small smirk upon her face. Meliodas however, did not decide to argue back, and instead sighs.

"We're gonna miss what I planned..." he trails off, rather sadly. Hinting the sad aura, Elizabeth decides to be considerate.

She grabs his hand, her face becoming daringly close to his. "You didn't have to do all of that for me...we're not even in a real relationship," she states, feeling a bit her herself.

Sex Scenes Lie Ahead

You've Been Warned!!

"Not a real relationship huh...?" He questions under his breath sadly, although Elizabeth heard him. She barely had time to react to his question since he quickly lifted her up onto his lap, to where her legs were against his dick, that was rather hard.

Elizabeth gasps lightly, not expecting that...especially in the middle of traffic.

He grabs her ass, squeezing it, which makes her breathing pick up.

What's this feeling? She thinks to herself.

It's not like that time when I was the studio with that man...instead it feels loving... she thinks to herself.

The feeling in her stomach becomes stronger, and she can feel something she's never felt before. Her stomach tightens. And a ache arrives in between her legs as they become hotter and hotter.

He kisses her neck slowly, leaving hickeys all along her neckline. Her breathing increases as he does this, and he soon puts his hand up under her dress, touching her vagina through the thin underwear she had on.

From Hate, To Love (COMPLETED ✅)Where stories live. Discover now