Arc 2: Chapter Four *19*

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Even though we're going through it
And it makes you feel alone
Just know that I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah
The distance and the time between us
It'll never change my mind, 'cause baby
I would die for you
Baby I would die for you, yeah

Elizabeth wakes up the next morning cuddled up with Meliodas. A small smile appears on her face as she looks at him. He was sleeping peacefully, and he looked so much more kid like while asleep.

"Your so cute," she whispers as she kisses his forhead. "So are you..." says Meliodas' sleepy voice.

"Don't you think you should go home? We have school in 2 hours." Elizabeth says. "Nah, I'd rather be here with you," he says wrapping his arms around her.

"I'd love that but my family will get pretty suspicious if I don't go down to eat breakfast or for school,"

Meliodas sighs. "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." He says giving her a quick peck on the lips before grabbing his clothes and leaving.

With that Elizabeth heads into the shower, as she washed herself a sudden realization came to mind.

She had unprotected sex. Again. For the fourth time.

A blush comes to her cheeks as she realizes her mistake. She was sure she'd be fine though...I mean tons of people have unprotected sex plenty of times and don't get pregnant...

...but it wasn't just about was about how many times he had came inside of her...which was too much to count with how long they'd be going.

Reluctantly Elizabeth grabbed her phone and dialed her mothers phone number.

"Morning sweety! Ready to come home already?" Anastasia asks.

"Uhm no. I'm actually calling because...well because I need to be put on birth control," Elizabeth says blushing. She knew her mother could feel her embarrassment, and she was surprised she wasn't prying.

"No need to be shy Elizabeth! I'll make you an appointment right now," she speaks.

"Okay...her next opening is in two weeks so the Friday after this upcoming one. Is that all?"

"Yep, thanks mom. Also dad said that that we'll be going to court in about a month.

"Thanks for letting me know. Talk to you later," she says hanging up.

With that Elizabeth gets dressed, wearing a jean skirt with a yellow shirt. Her hair covers the hickeys on her neck just fine but just to be sure she grabs her jean jacket to cover them up aswell.

"Goodmorning Elizabeth," Veronica greets as she heads down the stairs.

"Goodmorning Maragaret, Veronica," Elizabeth speaks. "Is father here?"

"Nah, he left for work awhile ago. You have school today right? Aren't you a senior?" Asks Veronica.

Elizabeth nods. "Which means you'll be graduating in less than a month. Do you know what you're going to do?"

"Well...I have tons of college applications but I don't think I'll go. I don't know what I'd major in anyway. I'll probably just continue modeling." Elizabeth says.

"And what about business? What do you know about it?" Asks Magaret.

"A few things only because of my mom...not much though."

"Well I could help you. If you and Meliodas were to get married one day you'd need to know a few things."

Just at those words she blushed. Her and Meliodas getting married? She had never thought about that...but it was a sweet thought.

"I'll take you up on that offer. I should get to school now," Elizabeth says as she grabs her things to leave.

She makes her way to school in no time. She recieves plenty of whispers from people as she walks through the halls about how she tried to kill herself, but could care less.

"What's on your mind Ellie?" Ban asks, noticing her.

"Oh, nothing. What are you doing here so early? You ussually don't come so early."

"Well I kinda failed exams and I have to take a few extra classes before graduation." Ban says with a sigh.

"That's what happens when you miss so many school days," Elizabeth says scolding him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll come early starting today. Meliodas and Elaine will kick my ass if I don't pass." Ban says as they make it to the cafeteria where all their friends were waiting.

"You two walked here together? Any complaints?" Diane asks playfully to Meliodas and Elaine.

"Nope," says Elaine.

"There just friends," Meliodas says not looking up from the pile of papers in front of him.

"What're you doing?" Elizabeth asks as she sits beside him.

"My dads making me go to college. Wants me to accept one soon." Meliodas says.

"Are you going to college?" Meliodas asks her. "It'd be nice to but I don't really know what I'd major in, pretty sure modeling is the only thing I'm good at..." she trails off.

"You're like the smartest person at this school and your gonna let all that go to waste? I understand that you probably don't want to go but instead of following with what you're mother wants all the time you should atleast try out what you like." Diane tells Elizabeth, giving her a bit of a pep talk.

"Well...there is something I'd major in...but it brings back too many traumatic memories." Elizabeth sighs.

"Whenever your ready we can talk about it Ellie," Elaine says comforting her. Elizabeth nods, breathing in a deep breath before smiling once again.

"What about you all? What're you doing?"

"I'm not going to college," Ban says.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," King says while laughing. "

"I'm in the middle of deciding between two colleges. Ones in New York and the other is here." Says Elaine.

"Wait what? And you're now just telling me this!" Ban asks. "I was going to tell you whenever I decided but since we're on the topic I decided to share." Elaine says as her and Ban are now quietly arguing.

"What about you King?" Elizabeth asks him.

"Well...I've always wanted to be a designer...I'm trying to choose a college that has something like that but most of them are out of our state."

"Wait! You're gonna leave too!" Diane exclaims. "I still haven't decided." Says King, a small blush on his cheeks.

"So, I have a question. What are we gonna do about our band?" Ban asks.

"We can continue can't we? It shouldn't get to where we don't ever meet up or talk. We can always go on tour in the summer too."

"That's what I was thinking is we disbanded we'd lose alot of money." Says Meliodas as everyone nods in agreement.

This whole situation left one thought in Elizabeth's mind, and that was

What did she really want to do?

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