Chapter Thirty Six

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With the newfound tragedy it was easy for Harry to sneak around the school. He shone his torch down the trap door, eventually, to see that it was in fact devils snare. He hadn't gone down, just in case there was no way out. It did look rather deep.

While Draco napped, Harry investigated that... Voice, in his head.

Tom hadn't mentioned it, and had ignored his questions when he asked for help when it came to it.

Harry relaxed in the silence, Draco curled up to him with his thumb bobbing between his lips. He brought himself into the dark folds of his mind, searching for what he assumed to be the voice. His mind was neatly organised, something he'd done while locked in his cupboard.

Nothing seemed out of place; nasty memories stored in locked jars and happier ones in book form on a shelf. He paced around, pieces of his life sorted about the room.

He slumped against a wall, his eyes half lidded, tired with the energy it took to stay inside his mind. Suddenly, he caught movement out the corner of his vision, in the deepest corner of his room, and his mind. He always ignored it. It never seemed like anything; just emptiness. But now, it seemed very interesting.

He walked over, reaching for his wand, (which wasn't there- he had to remind himself he was in his own mind and not his body). Once he reached the darkness, it seemed to absorb him. Harry would be lying if he said he didn't panic for a small while.

Inside the darkness, was a man chained to a chair. He was dashingly handsome, with slightly curled locks of chocolate brown hair and blazing red eyes, a sadistic smile on his face. He was gaunt, skinny and sweaty. His clothes hung loosely and his feet were bare. Despite this, Harry found himself weak at the knees.

"Do stop staring Harry, it doesn't do well for your image." The man drawled, his body limp but still radiating power.

He puffed up his chest, clearing his throat, "And who are you?"

"I believe you call me... Tom? Yes, that is my name. Although I do have a feeling you also call me something beginning with a Q. The lines a bit messed up."

Harry nearly collapsed, honestly. "You're Tom? As in, Lord Voldemort?"

The man nodded, trying to lift an arm. It was tugged back down, him only able to lift it an inch. He sighed in defeat, "Would you let me up? This is killing me."

Harry shook his head; "No. Why are you here? How?"

Tom closed his eyes, mouth curling into a snarl. "I'm the bad bit. The insane bit. Of the soul, I mean. When you rebounded my curse, you split my previous soul, or what was left of it. You extracted the bad, but you could not control me once I had left. So I simply stuck onto you. I've been trapped here ever since."

"I'm a horcrux?" Harry's knees did actually go weak, and he dropped to the floor.


"Why didn't you talk to me sooner? I've had the diary since I was five, I've known about you that long!" Harry felt himself getting angry and quickly calmed himself.

"I have always been here, chipping at your mind. I was never strong, I would never be able to do anything unless you let me. I can change your thoughts, here and there. I can persuade you when you're in a bad mood. But I have little control over much."

Harry quickly decided he was never letting evil Tom loose in his mind, "But what was that, when you spoke in my head? Were you controlling me?"

He nodded sharply, "That's the reason I'm chained. Before I was just trapped in the darkness. I used so much power doing that, that your mind protected one of us, I'm not sure which. Probably both. I can now do nothing. I could probably change a thought if it was already bad, but nothing more. I've chipped away at your sanity enough now, that you won't need as much nudging."

Harry was instantly alarmed. He could not afford to go insane. "Why didn't Tom tell me you were here?"

"He simply didn't know, I suppose. The other pieces must of realised that I was removed and assumed I'd died. I'm insane on my own, but with the rest of my soul I shall be normal again. Lady Magic did not destroy me, thankfully. I can hear bits and pieces, but the diary tom blocked all contact with other soul pieces, unless he was talking to them. He blocked me, but as he thought I was dead it wasnt as strong as the others. I know little bits."

Harry nodded, "Right, so-" He was quickly pulled from his mind, a warm wetness pressing to his thigh. He sighed down at Draco, shaking him awake. He awoke in an older headspace and shuffled along to the bathroom with a bright red face, muttering apologies as Harry cleaned his bed.

Harry decided he'd stay out of his mind. That was weird, and he didn't like it. Perhaps Tom would have a cure. For now, he grabbed Draco some clean clothes and set them in the bathroom for him.

Hello, some of you seem to forget that I am a man, my name is Sebastian and my pronouns are he/they. Thank you and goodnight.

Back to our scheduled shitposting, would any of y'all be interested in like a chat fic??

Obviously this is my main focus so I'm going to be more invested in this so I won't be on a schedule with the chat one, but it seems like a good way to get rid of writer's block?

I might just do it anyway but I feel like I should get some opinions on ships or whatever

Also I'm really sorry for that awkward ending I was stuck on it for like two days

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