Luke imagine

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You clutch the pillow tighter to your chest as another wave of cramps hits. Being a girl sucks you think to yourself. All you want is for the cramps to go away. But That doesn't sound like it's happening anytime soon. You texted luke about the situation, but he hasn't responded, he probably heard the word period and bolted as far away as possible. You try to sleep, but the pain is still there, making it difficult to fall asleep. You sigh to yourself knowing you won't get any sleep.

you click on the tv, and press play on the DVD player, mean girls starts, brightening your mood slightly.

You are a third of the way through the movie when you hear a knock at the door, deciding to not get out of bed you wait for them to go away. About a minute later you heard the door open, you stand up begrudgingly making your way to see who is here. You walk into the kitchen to see luke with take out and groceries.
"Luke, you didn't have to get me all this." You say wrapping your arms around his waist. " I wanted to, I don't like it when your in pain." He says kissing the top of your head. "So what all did you get." You ask, Untangling yourself from him. "I got all your favorites, I got Ben and jerrys, chocolate chip cookies, goldfish crackers, Hershey spread, and Chinese food." He says, with a big goofy grin. " How did I get so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend?" You ask, looking directly into his gorgeous blue eyes. " It's me who's lucky." He responds cheesily. "Cheesy." You say giggling.

When another wave of pain hits you. You clutch your lower abdomen, waiting for the pain to stop. "Come here babe" luke says picking you bridal style, being careful not to cause you more pain. He lays you down on the bed, runs back into the kitchen to grab the food, before laying it all on the bed, so you can have a movie marathon with all your favorite junk foods.


Hello fabulous penguins ~ the writer

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