Luke imagine

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"Luke will you stay home tonight?" You ask, as he's putting on his coat to go hang out with the boys.

"No, the boys want to hang out." He replies, putting his shoes on. "Luke you're always with the boys, please just stay home tonight." You say pleadingly, trying your best to spend time with your boyfriend.

"Y/n stop being so clingy, it's not attractive." He says, standing up getting ready to leave.

"Clingy! You think I'm being clingy for wanting to see my boyfriend!" You shout now angry at him.

"You always have to be right beside me, gosh y/n give me some space! I want to hang out with the boys for one night!" He shouts, pacing around the foyer, pulling at the ends of his hair.

"But it's not just one night, you're never here, you're always with the boys!" You say, tears forming in your eyes, already exhausted from fighting.

"I'm always with the boys because you're so cranky emotional and clingy all the freaking time!" He shouts, grabbing the keys.

"Fine, you know what leave, go ahead, don't expect the door to be unlocked when you get back." You say letting the tears fall from your eyes. He moves closer to the door before looking back one last time, you see a flash of regret in his eyes, but it didn't matter, you slammed the door in his face, locking it, before running to your bedroom to collapse in a mix of sobs and muttered curse words.

You wake up with a pounding headache, and puffy red blotchy eyes from crying yourself to sleep the previous night. You get out of bed pulling on a random t-shirt off the floor not even caring about the fact that your only wearing under garments and one of Luke's shirts.

Not having enough energy to do anything productive you lay in bed watching movies all day. You don't really watch them, you're to busy replaying the fight over and over again, in your head, like a broken record. You're pulled out of your trance when there is a faint knock at the door. Begrudgingly you get up to see who it could possibly be at six o'clock in the afternoon. not caring about your appearance, and without bothering to look through the peep hole, You open the door, only to see Luke standing there, eyes puffy, face blotchy, his hair is in a tangled mess, it looks like he hasn't slept at all. You couldn't help but feel guilty for his state.
"Luke." You say, releasing the breath you didn't realize you were holding.

"Y/n, please, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, you are not clingy, or emotional, or cranky, it's not your fault at all, I'm an ass of a boyfriend, I should have never said those things." He says, letting tears fall onto his cheeks again.

" I thought you wanted space?" You ask, trying to stay strong, and not run into his arms.

"I don't want space, I want you, I never wanted space, I was stressed and taking it out on you, I know it's a bad excuse but it's the truth y/n. I'm such an idiot for letting you go, I should have tried harder to be better for you. I shouldn't have said those things, I'm so sorry." He says, letting more tears fall down his cheeks. You slowly reach your hand up to his face, gently wiping away the tears.

"Your my idiot." You say quietly, before breaking and pulling him into your arms. while he wraps his arms around your waist, His head nuzzles into your neck, mumbling
"I'm sorry" over and over. Your arms go around his waist, your head is placed on his chest.
"I'm sorry Luke." You say, your voice muffled through his shirt. "Don't be y/n, it's my fault, your not clingy, I'm just a jerk." He says, pulling out of the hug. "You are not a jerk you were stressed. I will forgive you if you come cuddle with me." You say smirking. "I think I can manage that."


Stay fabulous ~ the writer

I know, I know, this chapter is super long, but I did say that I would write a longer chapter after the holidays, so here it is I really hope you liked it, I worked really hard on this chapter and it would mean the world to me if you would
I love all of my fabulous penguins!

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