Sing Me

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"What the fuck are faes?" Asked Felix, a thin layer of confusion hidden in his voice, and his lips becoming a thin line. His newly dyed red hair being messed up from him running his hand through his hair almost every two seconds.

"They're creatures you shouldn't associate yourself with," responded another boy, his eyes sharp and his pink hair making all his delicate feathers more prominent "they're always bad news."

The pink haired male grunted as he felt an elbow ram into his ribs

"Shut up Jeongin, you'll scare Felix," said Jisung with a shaky sigh, the eye-bags becoming more and more prominent as the days went by, along with a small frown on his face "and he should be able to form his own opinion of them."

"Anyways," Jisung continued "Faes or better know as Faeries are magical creatures that are best known to be mischievous and like Jeongin here, most people don't recommend trying to meet them."

Felix's mouth became an 'O' shape, out of shock or curiosity? Jisung didn't know. He didn't even know if he should continue to explain what a Faerie was with his small knowledge of them as well, sure he liked magical creatures, like witches, goblins, etc but those were all fake and he knew it. Faeries were real.

"Oh! There's also rules to follow with Faeries!" Piped in Jeongin, his face lighting up quickly.

Jisung rolled his eyes as he heard the youngest of the three explain (or at least try) to the other male on Jisung's bed. There was so much things with faeries, rules such as never say thank you, don't eat or dance. Yes, Jisung did do some research on Faes but after about twenty minutes of searching and looking he gave up.

Faeries were definitely creatures that did catch Jisung's attention though, they were mysterious but mischievous or even downright evil. A combination that seemed super annoying to deal with to humans.

"That's all? Really?" Said Felix, erupting Jisung from his train of thought. "I would've thought there were more rules and so..."

Jeongin's head nodded his head rather quickly after Felix had spoke. Jisung snickered catching the eyes of both Jeongin and Felix.

"What's so funny?" Retorted Felix, hands balled up into fists and being placed on the sides of his waist, a pout on his face as well.

"Trust me, there's a lot more than just the rules Jeongin explained." Jisung said, his voice held a bit of cockiness knowing he knew more about the creatures then both of them.

Jeongin let out a sad yet quiet squeak. "Really?!" Whined Jeongin, a small tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Yep" Asserted Jisung, a triumph smirk on his face. Felix and Jeongin responded by sighing, annoyed knowing that Jisung had more knowledge of magical creatures then both the males.

A small ding from Jeongin's phone grabbed all their attention, watching Felix quickly get Jeongin's phone instead of Jeongin, Jeongin getting pouty over that move.

"Mom wants you home" said Felix, handing the youngest his phone, a slight pout on his lips. Jeongin's face no different than Felix's.

Texting his mom a quick message saying he's coming, and putting his phone back in his pocket, Jeongin gave both Felix and Jisung a hug before walking out of Jisung's room.

"I should probably head home as well, ya know, strict mom and everything." Quickly said Felix, sadness hidden underneath his voice.

"Yeah" said back Jisung, his bottom lip being chewed on viciously by his own teeth.

Felix gave the slightly shorter male a hug and than left the same way Jeongin left, quick and short.

Leaving Jisung all alone in his own room, with the thought of faeries on his mind now.

Word count: 627 words
This is my first story, I'm sorry if it's bad please don't come for me.
(Not edited)

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