House Of Memories

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"Jisung!" Screamed a voice, a soft object hitting him a few seconds later, making the latter groan and slowly sit up "finally, you're awake dumbass, I've been trying to wake you up for..almost an hour at least!"

Jisung nodded, all the words bouncing off his head, Jisung instead stretched and continued to let who ever was talking to him mumble on.

"Jisung? Are you even listening to me?!"

Jisung nodded again, robotic like, which resulted in a pillow being hit directly on his face, making him groan out.

"What the fuck?! What what you're doing!" Screamed back Jisung, pouting almost child like, he just wanted a good rest but nooo.

"Well get up!" The owner of the voice picked him up and dragged him out of the warm bed "we need to start cleaning this place up"


"We have...visitors coming over okay? I need to clean up for them, and Chan's coming home so I can't let him see the mess you've created or else he'll kill, probably, both of us."

Jisung now remembered that voice, how could he miss it. Jisung's eyes shot open and he jumped up, more hyper than before.

"Chan's coming back already?! Isn't he gone for like, 2 weeks usually. This is a record! It's only been 3 days!" Exclaimed Jisung, making Changbin chuckle.

"You're more excited about my boyfriend coming back more than me," Changbin shook his head and picked up a glass cup from off the small nightstand next to the bed that Jisung had accidentally fallen asleep in "now, let's start cleaning, okay?"

Jisung saluted in response, getting to work on starting to clean up the house with Changbin, vacuuming the floor, washing the dishes and more.

Both of the boys dramatically fell onto the tan tinted couch, and groaned from exhaustion, stretching their limbs out as they waited for Chan and the visitors to come over.

A ring coming from the front of the house caught Changbin's attention, making him smile and run over to the door, opening it and wrapping his arm around the middle boy, which Jisung could only presume was Chan, a slight kiss on the middle boy's lips was enough to confirm it was Chan.

Changbin tugged Chan by the arm inside, two other boys following Chan like lost puppies, one was a tall boy with black hair, a mullet slowly starting to grow on the back of his head, and thick lips accompanying the hair. The other boy was the same boy he had met and served at his work, Seungmin.

Jisung blushed at the remembrance of his first speaking interaction with the male, and started down at his lap, truing not to draw attention to himself but it seemed too late when the puppy like male was already sitting next to him on the couch. All three of them talking to each other while Jisung was quiet.

Changbin looked at Jisung, slightly confused at how quiet the male was now, Chan followed Changbin's point of focus and smirked at Jisung, knowing how awkward he was with the youngest faerie.

"So?" Spoke out Chan, smirking "what do you guys wanna do after unpacking?"

Seungmin, and mullet boy shrugged, Jisung looked slightly up, and saw Chan smirking at him, along with Changbin, making Jisung blush harder and stare back at his hands, knowing his ears were probably a bright bright red.

And when Seungmin finally spoke, Jisung knew, this was gonna be a long week.

Word count: 581 words
My endings to chapters are just getting worse and worse 😔

𝙁𝙖𝙚 | Seungsung Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ