Mixtape: On Track

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"Where's Chan?" Changbin said, wondering past by Seungmin and Hyunjin who were both sat on the couch in the living room. The two faeries shrugged.

"He was supposed to come back an hour ago..." Changbin pulled out his phone from his back pocket and looked at his phone, sighing as Chan hadn't texted back.

"Do you think he picked up an extra shift?" Seungmin chipped in, confused at Chan's disappearance as well.

"He wouldn't do that without telling me, I'm gonna call Jisung." Changbin plucked in a number nimbly and put his phone up to his ear.

"Mm, hey hyung? What's up?" Jisung said, his voice raspy from probably waking up just a few minutes before the older called.

"Hey Sung, do you know where Channie is?" Asked Changbin, voice quivering while he started to chew on his thumb nail.

"No, what happened?" Jisung's curiosity peeked and he quickly got out of bed and looked through his closet, turning the speaker on and setting it on the bed "Did he not go home?"

"No, he never came home," Seungmin placed a hand on the shorter's shoulder, Hyunjin listening in on the conversation "he told me once his shift was over he would text or call but he hasn't yet and his shift should've ended an hour ago."

Jisung let that information sink in while he threw on some mom jean's with rips at the knees and a plain white shirt tucked into the jeans.

"I'm coming over, just text and call everyone he knows and ask if he's there okay? Chan hyung can be forgetful at times"

Changbin mumbled a quiet thanks before the call abruptly ended, and lazily threw his phone onto the couch, Hyunjin dodged the phone that came towards him.

Hyunjin picked up Changbin's phone and handed back to him, patting his shoulder.

"Go text or call or whatever you do, and try to find some information okay hyung?" Assured the tallest "Seungminnie and I will try to find help in other ways."

Changbin nodded and walked off and into his room. Once the shortest left, Seungmin and Hyunjin shared a concerned look.

"The hunters wouldn't be able to find us right? Right?" Choked out Seungmin, tearing up "What if they got Chan hyung"

"Calm down, Channie can defend himself, he may not be as strong as most but he knows how to take care of himself," said Hyunjin "but it's a possibility they got him Minnie, I'm not gonna lie to you."

With Hyunjin's words in mind, Seungmin felt his whole world collapse.

Word Length: 427
I'm back but the shit storm is coming, but anyways, a little update on my Hyunsung oneshot, I decided to restart it from scratch because i was just unsatisfied with the way it was going. It'll take a while to finish but I'll my best to write in it everyday.

Also, I'm getting a Savannah cat soon and dhsknsk they're so cute 🥺

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