The King

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Seungmin watched as the boy Jeongin called Felix laugh as Jeongin refused to give him back his scarf, consisting of pouts and whining.

"But Felix!" Whined out Jeongin, a pout still evident on his lips, making Felix stare at the male with adoration. "You said I could wear it for as long as I wanted too"

"But now I want it back," Felix held his hand out in front of Jeongin "C'mon baby, give it to me"

Jeongin pouted, and took the scarf off and put it in Felix's hand. Felix smiled and put the scarf on, and around his own neck.

Jeongin stared at his hands in his laps, 'this is awkward' thought Seungmin, watching the two boys who obviously liked each other do nothing but walk around their feelings like a love maze.

"So, who's the new guy?" Asked Felix, slightly glaring at Seungmin, Seungmin internally rolled his eyes at the glare.

"His name is Seungmin!" Squeaked the youngest of the three, fixing his oversized sweater to cover his collarbones. "We met just two days ago"

Seungmin waved at Felix who was still slightly glaring at the faerie but Seungmin chose to ignore it, and instead smile at Felix.

Felix stared at Seungmin for a few seconds before waving back and swung his arm over Jeongin's shoulders, and ruffled his hair. A sign of affection, Seungmin suddenly missed Hyunjin and Chan, and their stupid affection.

"How did you guys meet?" Asked Seungmin, trying to ignore the feeling of sadness, and instead distract himself by asking stupid questions.

"It's a funny story really," said Jeongin, getting pulled in closer by Felix right as he said those words. "We actually met through my older brother, he was the one who helped Felix when he was lost in the city and I just so happened to be there as well."

"Then later on," spoke Felix as if he knew exactly when Jeongin was gonna stop speaking. "When me and Jisung became friends, he also knew Jeongin and Jisung thought me and Jeongin would be good friends so he introduced us to each other and we're here now. Being best friends!"

Seungmin smiled sweetly at the two, it was too obvious they wanted to be more then best friends but he held his tongue back from saying anything.

"Who's Jisung?" Was what Seungmin asked instead of saying anything about their relationship.

Felix's eyes lit up, grabbed his phone from his pocket and reluctantly removed his arm from around Jeongin's shoulders.

Felix turned on his phone, and picked a picture of Jisung to show the chestnut hair colored male, and gave it to the male.

Seungmin slowly took the device from Felix's hands, and looked at the picture Felix put on the screen. The screen showed a blue haired male, standing up in with the sunlight in the background. Light pink and purple hair clips in his hair, holding back some of his hair, a black crop top on with a white undershirt underneath it, and black skinny jeans with rips that revealed fishnets and with platform combat boots. He was cute.

"That was from like...three or four months ago, I'll show you a more recent one." Felix took the phone from Seungmin's hands and flipped through his gallery, that mostly consisted of his friends, and handed Seungmin the phone once again.

This time Jisung had blonde hair that was slowly forming into a mullet, his bangs covering his eyes, and an oversized hoodie, along with some light blue skinny jeans and the same boots. Seungmin stared at the picture for what seemed like forever, something seemed familiar about him.

Until it hit him, Jisung was the boy that saw him in forest, he recognized the long blonde hair, and chubby cheeks.

Seungmin handed Felix back his phone, and nodded, trying to ignore the panic yet blossoming feelings inside him.

"He's cute I guess"

Word count: 652 words
I'm over 1,000 word in my Hyunsung oneshot oops-
Also a double update???

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