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"Chan," whined Seungmin "shut up, I wasn't eyeing him"

"Yeah, you definitely aren't," sarcastically commented Chan, pulling some vines to the side "you were just watching all the people around him every two minutes."

Seungmin was about to say something when Chan pushed him into the rock that was a gateway for the faeries to get back home was, the boy disappeared and a light hue of gold surrounded the old rock.

Chan walked into the rock as well and found Seungmin on the floor, groaning into the ground about something that Chan couldn't identify.

Seungmin pushed himself off the ground, wiping off his thighs, acting as if he even got dirt on his pants when they were spotless. Chan rolled his eyes at the action.

"You didn't need to shove me!" Seungmin glared at the older, the glitter on his face shining from the natural sunlight from the sun hitting both the faeries.

"Well I did," chuckled Chan, walking past the pouting younger and started to head towards the small town of faerie, Seungmin following behind. "Now let's head home, I'm beat"

"Saying 'you're beat' makes you sound twenty times older than you actually are" Scoffed Seungmin, dodging a pair of small creatures with fluffy green fur, and big ears, that were heading towards him.

"Well I am older so I have an excuse to say that"

Chan jumped off a small piles of rocks and felt his tail and ears grow back to his original look before he glamoured himself.

"And we're back home" hummed Chan, stretching his tail out and yawned happily from being back home.

The older walked into a small group of faeries that were just ahead of them, Seungmin followed the elder almost as if he was a guard dog for the elder.

Seungmin hid behind Chan, dazing in and out of spacing off, getting his mind stuck inside his mind, wondering what would happen if his parents figured out he kept going into the human world for no reason.

Chan left the group swiftly, grabbing Seungmin's arm, and pulled him away from the group in a hurry.

"Hyung? What's going on?" Asked Seungmin, not knowing what was going on from spacing off more than he liked to.

Chan stopped once he got behind a small house made of beige wood, small fireflies and other small creatures flying around it as well.

Chan gripped Seungmin's hands and looked into his eyes, eyes full of tears and worry, making Seungmin worry even more.

"Seungmin, listen to me okay?" Sternly said Chan, holding his hands tighter then before. Seungmin nodded at Chan's words, and Chan let out a sigh.

"Your parents were killed when we were gone, they're coming for you Seungmin, I'm so sorry sweetheart"

The words hit Seungmin, tearing up, he never liked his parents that much but he didn't wish death upon them.

"Hyunjin found their bodies, and now the gossip is spreading everywhere, we need to get you out of here for a while, a-and take Hyunjin," Chan started mumbling to himself "they're gonna come for him as well, and we need to find a place to stay"

Seungmin watched as Chan let go of his hands, and rubbed the tears away from his eyes with his sleeve.

"B-But why my family and me? Why was it only us?" A sniffle making way out of Seungmin before the harsh reality hit him, he was the only one in his family alive now, no training in fighting, his powers still developing.

"I don't know but I have to protect you two now, we have to go get Hyunjin" Chan grabbed onto Seungmin's arm "can you try to teleport us there?"

Seungmin nodded, not trusting his voice to speak for himself anymore, he snapped his fingers and both landed inside Hyunjin's house.

The two ran to Hyunjin's room, Chan slamming on the door, resulting in the door being slammed open from the deer horned boy, his hairy messy and lips pouty.

Chan shook the boy, screaming at him to "pack his shit up and come with us" Hyunjin nodded, face lightly flushed and flowers turning an orange.

Once done with packing and throwing a coat on, Hyunjin nodded a little bit and mumbled a deep and quiet ready.

The three faeries were now having to leave, the world they had grown up in for almost all their life, Hyunjin and Chan held onto Seungmin who snapped his fingers and landed in front of the same rock they had gone through to get to the human world and faerie world.

"You ready guys?" Said Chan, letting go of Seungmin's hand and moved the vines covering the rock. Both the males nodded, and the rock made a light golden hue.

This was it. The last time they were gonna be in faerie land for a while.

Word count: 812 words
My hyunsung story almost has 6,000 words, and sorry for not updating, school, and so much more is really fucking my life right now lol

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