Idle Town

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Seungmin stared into the lake he sat in front of, his reflection staring back at him, his eyes full of sadness and a look of despair covered his whole entire face. He looked absolutely horrible but did he care? Not really.

The thoughts of the boy staring at him flashed in his mind, why did he not get scared? Weren't humans supposed to be scared of faeries? Seungmin thought hard, thoughts overflowing his mind, he hated it, he hated that he was so confused, he hated that the boy wasn't scared of him. He hated it all.

A poke on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts, looking over his shoulder he found the horned boy. The flowers a light tint of pink, his eyes following.

"You..okay Min?" asked the boy, sitting next to the winged faerie, sliding his hand into Seungmin's brown locks.

"Not really," chuckled Seungmin, the hand slowly running through his hair slightly, just very slightly. "My parents'll beat my ass, especially my dad"

Hyunjin only frowned at the response, he really wished he could help Seungmin more than he already was. What was being able to calm down someone when faeries couldn't be controlled by other faerie magic? All he could was support Seungmin on the sidelines unlike Chan who was fairly decent at persuading anybody, with or without magic.

Hyunjin only continued to stroke Seungmin's hair, tears clouding his vision. It was awful having to watch Seungmin's parents expect everything from him, and only for Seungmin to destroy himself in return.

"It'll be okay, I promise." Hyunjin took his hand off of Seungmin's hair and instead gripped his hand, staring directly into Seungmin's deep brown eyes. The tears had suddenly fell, and the flowers became withered and a black, his eyes following pursuit of the same color as the flowers.

Seungmin stroked away the tears from Hyunjin's checks, a sad smile on his face, and an even sadder look in his eyes.

Seungmin knew it wouldn't be okay but he didn't have enough will power to tell the crying faerie that.
"So you're supposed to tell me that you met a faerie one on one?" Said Jeongin, his mouth wide open and his eyes open.

"Uh...I guess," replied Jisung, playing with his fingers instead of looking up at the three males sitting in front of him "it was only like for a need to freak out."

"No need to freak out?!" Exclaimed Felix, throwing his arms up, making people look at them. "You just saw probably one of the most dangerous yet prettiest creatures yet Sung!"

The third boy shook his head, his newly fresh dyed hair falling over his eyes, only leaving his nose and below visible. The dangling earrings also following his movements.

"You guys are so stupid, faeries aren't that dangerous as along as you know things about them and learn about them" said the male, crossing his arms across his chest.

Jisung stared at the male, shock written on his face.

"How do you know that Minho..?" Questioned Felix, his eyes closing out of suspicion.

"I used to fuck around with them," shrugged Minho "I fell in love with one but we both knew it wasn't their way so we lost connection and I just..stopped talking and learning about faeries."

The three other boys had widened mouths, all in shock from the story they just heard. A human and faerie? That was definitely something new they heard.

"What? You guys thought humans and faeries can't date?" Was all Minho said before his phone went off, "anyways, I gotta head to work. See you kiddos." Minho got off the chair, pushing his hair behind his ear, and walked off.

"I told you faeries and humans could date Jisung!" Screamed out Felix, Jisung choked on his saliva after hearing what Felix commented.

"Why do you want me to date a faerie so bad?!" Replied Jisung, a light blush on his face, and his lips pouty.

"I'm so lost" Jeongin yawned, shoving his face into the blue scarf he was wearing. Felix laughed and shook his head at the youngest.

'Wait, wasn't that scarf Felix's?' Jisung thought before he saw Felix swing his arm over the youngest shoulder.

Word count: 710 words
I took forever to update, sorry lol but hey, longer chapter!!!
(Not edited)

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