Someone You Loved

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Jisung felt his shoulder create a loud pop, and winced at the noise, that didn't sound healthy. But he pushed himself off the couch nonetheless, getting prepared for work.

Throwing on a random white hoodie, and some light blue jeans, some random shoes and left his apartment, locking the door behind him.

{Slight time skip}

Yawning, Jisung stacked another box onto the pile of boxes that were filled with coffee beans and more. The chatter of people coming from the door that connected the back room to the front of the café where the cashier was. The male tightened the apron around his waist and headed back to the front.

"Sup loser, finally coming back?" Teased the cashier, the bright lights from the ceiling showing off his sun kissed skin and moles on his face that almost seemed like a constellation.

"Shut up Hyuck," pouted Jisung, grabbing a cloth and cleaning down the coffee making station, wiping off extra cream and beans "I was only gone for a week"

"A week too long," was all the sun kissed male was interrupted by a bell going off, signaling a customer was wanting to order something, "Oop, I gotta go now" The boy grabbed a tiny notebook, and pen, running off the the table that rung their bell.

The human rolled his eyes at the other's cute and caring attitude, always being there for Jisung, no matter what. 'Haechan's definitely something else' thought Jisung, continuing to wash down the front counter with the rag.

Time seemed to skip by as Jisung kept taking orders for people, telling the chef the order, and then taking the order to the table once the chef was done with the order.

Jisung stood behind the counter, drifting into his thoughts, once again thinking of the mystery boy in the forest. Until a ring drug him out of his thoughts, he grabbed the same leather and small notepad, and pen, speed walking over to the ring.

He found the table, opening his notepad, and clicked the top of the pen, not looking at the customers sitting in front of him.

"My name's Jisung, I'll be your waiter for today," said Jisung, not caring about his tone "What'd you like?"

"Uh, just a coffee please, and..." The voice trailed off, Jisung remembering the voice instantly and looked at the people.

"Chan hyung?" Gasped Jisung, some sparkles in his eyes appearing "I thought you left for work!"

Chan chuckled at the younger's reaction, his dimples showing off, one of his hands playing with the hoop earrings he had in, while the other one was laying on the wooden and pale white table.

"I just finished actually, and I'm here to make sure the little one eats" said Chan, staring in the direction ahead of him, Jisung followed the older's movements.

Jisung met eyes with a familiar face, the same chestnut hair color, and puppy like eyes. The boy from the forest, and Jisung blushed at the intense stare the other gave him.

"O-Oh" Choked out Jisung, 'Good job Jisung,' sarcastically thought Jisung. The chestnut haired boy laughing at his reaction.

Oh. His laugh was also cute, Jisung blushed and looked back at the notepad he had taken the order on.

"Oh yeah, I'll have a muffin as well, and Seungmin would like..?"

Jisung wrote Chan's order down, waiting for the boy, Seungmin to order his whatever he wanted.

"I'll have just a tea please" Seungmin told Jisung, staring at the blonde boy taking his order.

"Okay, it'll be done in a few minutes.." Jisung walked back to the counter, ripped the paper out of the notebook, put it on the chefs window, the chef taking it instantly and Jisung hid his face in his hands.

Holy shit, he just talked to forest boy and he was really cute and was friends was his best friend.

Word count: 647 words
I feel like Conan in the Crush Culture MV right now, but neways, Seungsung have met and have spoken to each other >:)

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