Dun Dun

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Jisung watched the cat like male named Minho, sip coffee from the cup he was holding in hands, the tips of his fingers red and numb, along with the pink flushed cheeks and nose.

"Why do you keep staring?" Quietly asked Minho, not wanting people to eavesdrop on their small conversation.

"Oh, no reason, just bored.." trailed off Jisung, uncertain if Minho would ask anything else.

Minho only gave him a look of disgust, and rolled his eyes, probably not accepting that "reason," and went back to drinking the hot cup of newly fresh made coffee.

Minho made a small hum, and Jisung knew instantly it was sarcasm coming from the other. Jisung blushed, knowing the lie definitely didn't convince the purple haired boy.

"I..that was dumb to say," giggled the younger, Minho nodded, agreeing with him, "but, I was actually wondering, who was the faerie you messed around with?"

Minho stopped drinking, and instead stopped moving all together, causing Jisung to stop a few steps ahead of him and turn around to see Minho's head staring down at the ground.

"Nobody important. It was in the past, we're not in the past anymore." Minho stared up at Jisung, a glare on his eyes, scaring Jisung into saying nothing and instead nod in fear.

Minho going back to drinking his coffee and speed walking to get back to Jisung's side, acting as if his little episode didn't happen. Jisung only looked ahead of him, not wanting to bother the older with anymore questions.

What had happened with Minho and that faerie that he couldn't even tell his best friend since childhood? What was Minho keeping to himself about faeries?

Jisung wanted answers but he knew Minho wouldn't answer any, and Jisung didn't know if that book Felix had was even reliable, and Jeongin plain out didn't believe or like faeries. It was all a dead end for him, unless of course he met a faerie and spoke to them himself, but the possibility of that happening was low, meeting a faerie was a very low possibility, they never left their village for the human realm.

"I'm sorry for..that" sighed Minho, "I just, don't like answering questions about my past with them"

"It's okay, it's personal, isn't it?" Said Jisung, genuinely wondering if it was that personal.

"Yeah...like really personal. I'm sorry I can't say anything"

"It's okay! After all, we all have things we can't say nor tell" Shyly said Jisung, scratching the back of his head and continued on to his path home, the elder still following, now finished with his coffee.

"Fancy language you used there" teased Minho, making Jisung flush and whine about Minho teasing him once again.

Word count: 454 words
I joined drama, and the first meeting was today. The play we're doing is Alice In Wonderland, and I really wanna do the White Rabbit's part or Cheshire. We also have practice twice a week, all the way to May, and on the last week of drama, we're doing 3 shows day after day, so I'm sorry if I don't update as often :(

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