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Seungmin felt his eyes sting, fists clenching, forcing himself not to let the tears drown out the yelling that came from the living room.

He had come home just a about an hour ago, being greeted with a pissed off father and a concerned mother. Both the worse things he could think of.

He shouldn't have come home, but deep down he doesn't regret it. He missed the way the flowers brightened up, the way the faeries always twisted humans words around. He missed almost everything.

Seungmin closed his eyes, hearing his dad scream at his mom about how Seungmin shouldn't have run off, and how he should be a perfect and obedient faerie. His mom deflecting his words by telling him how Seungmin was a teen, and growing up, of course he would have a rebellious side.

Seungmin finally felt the wall he had built up crack, and a tear slipped out of his eyes, the wall starting to crack more, and finally the wall broke. The tears spilling onto his cheeks.

Seungmin wiped the salty tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie, his hands still wrapped in gauze, blood on the gauze where his knuckles were, he remembered the boy named Jeongin who wasn't able to defend himself from the school bullies, the boy, Jisung had also flashed into his mind. He shook his head, 'stop thinking about them. They're humans, you can't like them.'

Seungmin felt anger bubble up inside his stomach now, the tears still flowing, he clutched his hands tighter, if that was even possible. Humans, creatures that weren't able to leave his mind. He hated it.

He swung his fist at the pillow that was next to him, slightly stinging as his hands weren't fully healed yet. The gauze making him remember Jeongin, and the human world. The way people seemed happier there, how nobody controlled you.

He shook his head away from that thought, he already left faerie world once, he won't do it again, the punishment was already gonna be bad enough, if he run away he wouldn't know what would happen to him in result.

He pushed himself off his bed, anger still spreading throughout his body, he stomped out of his room, not caring if his parents heard him coming.


Jisung slowly pushed himself off the couch, he didn't wanna get up, he had helped Changbin move in with Chan, and fell asleep on the couch.

He stretched, groaning, and grabbed his phone from off the table that definitely wasn't on the table, 'One of them probably put it on table' thought Jisung, calling Jeongin, the line rung for almost a minute before the younger picked up.

"What's up Sung?" Mumbled Jeongin, a thunk coming from the other side of the phone, a mumble of swears coming from Jeongin afterwards.

"What's going on over there-?" Said Jisung, his morning voice making his voice low and quiet. "Did you finally snap and kill someone"

"No! Felix just fell off the couch!" Screeched Jeongin, probably trying to get Felix back on the couch.

Jisung rubbed his eyes as if Jeongin was there in front of him to see how tired he actually was.

"Have fun with that, he's almost impossible to wake up, but anyways," Jisung said, with a slight sigh, hoping Jeongin was still even listening to him "I need a ride home, both Changbin and Chan left for work a few hours ago"

"Uh, yeah, I can do that" groaned Jeongin, pulling Felix back onto the couch "just let me get ready and I'll be there in a few"

"Mm, okay, thank you, love you"

"Love you too, weirdo"

Word count: 610 words
Thank you guys for 87 votes 🥺 I never planned to publish my writing but seeing everybody actually like my stories makes my heart do flips and just dhsjkdjs thank you from the bottom of my heart :')
Also, this story will speed up more, and Seungsung will meet soon ~

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