Trivia: Seesaw

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Climbing over the rocks and dodging under the fallen trees, Seungmin quickly and swiftly opened the front door to the small house and entered. He didn't feel like teleporting today.

Arriving inside the living room, the young faerie could only hope for the best. He already let his dad down with leaving the house, he didn't wanna make it worse with the news that he let a boy, a human boy to make matters worse, see him.

He made his way to the familiar door, his parent's door with it's chipped wood on the corners and a now horrible paint job. Before he could even place his hand on the door handle, the door whipped open and there stood his father, face angry accompanied by a growl once he saw the young faerie.

"Hey dad," said Seungmin calmly, shoving his hands into the barley fitting hoodie he had on "how are you?"

His dad only grabbed him by the arm and drug him into their room, his mother sitting on the bed, a disapproving look on her face and sadness inside her eyes once she saw her only son. He looked at his mom, eyes wide when she never stared back, she only stared at her hands neatly folded in her lap. Never once did she look at her son. Her own son, her only son.

"How many times have we told you Seungmin?!" Screeched his dad, the normal red eyes becoming a shade darker, his fists tightening into fists at his side. "We've tried so hard to make sure you're a good kid and this is what we get in repayment?! A kid who leaves all the time and disobeys us!"

Seungmin blushed, he was right, they always tried to make sure he was a good faerie but then he remembered, faeries aren't meant to be nice or listen.

Feeling brave Seungmin spoke up, "I'm just a kid father, a curious kid in fact. I always come back home before curfew," Seungmin felt more bold and glared at the older male "I won't be a slave to you. I wanna be my own person" with that, Seungmin left the room, slamming their door and stomping to his room.

Seungmin sat down on the bed placed up against the wall and in the middle of his room. He stared at the pictures of a young him, with both his parents, a smile on all their faces. Seungmin scowled at the old pictures, glaring at them as if they had done any damage to him.

Seungmin stood up, took off his gray and boring hoodie, and grabbed a new hoodie, it was a dark red color and a little bigger than him. He grabbed the round glasses off his nightstand, and put them on. He opened the window on the right wall, and jumped out, landing on his two feet perfectly.

The boy he met was only in his mind as he ran and ran out of the stupid land he was trapped in almost all his life, his white and new shoes getting muddy and wet as he stepped in water, and mud. But he didn't mind it. All he was focused on at this point was leaving.

Finally arriving in the familiar woods he saw the boy in, he smiled to himself. He was in the human world now, he remembered to hide his wings, his sharp teeth and glittery cheeks from the human eye. He was ready for the human world now.

He stepped out of the woods and was met with a gust of wind hitting him across the face, shocking him, making him gasp at first but then let out a small giggle. That was definitely new.

He continued to walk forward, seeing the tall building just in front of the woods he was hiding in, the building was a soft red with the roof being fully black, and balconies in all the back of the houses.

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