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Humans, a word almost all faeries knew, either good or bad, a species faeries considered a lower class.

A chestnut hair colored male sat down in front of a lake, his eyes staring back at him through the reflection in the lake. The light sparkles from the glitter under his eyes and up to his temples making him seem more delicate then he was. His light pink to almost white wings not moving an inch.

"Seungmin!" Called out a voice, coming closer each second until a beautiful male appeared beside next to him in the lake reflection. Chan, Seungmin had instantly recognized him with his sparkly pink hair and the furry tail slowly tickling Seungmin's tailbone that was revealed from the crop top the younger faerie was wearing.

"Yes hyung?" Wondered Seungmin, his eyes closing and a content sigh leaving his lips. He missed the quiet already.

"Your dad needs you," Chan said but not before quickly adding what he said next "I don't know what he wants."

"Okay," responded Seungmin, getting up from the spot where he sat, the grass pushed down from his weight "Let's hope he doesn't snap on me for leaving once again." Chuckled Seungmin, not seeing the look of both sadness and concern on Chan's face.

The younger of the two turned around from the water, and snapped his fingers, disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

Seungmin dropped onto the white tiled floor, and groaned out of pain, grabbing his head hoping to bring down the sudden ache inside his head. He still hadn't fully grabbed the hold of teleportation.

"There you are dumbass" said someone before he felt a hand come down onto the top of his head, groaning from the ache and pain mixed together.

"What the hell Hyunjin!" Gasped Seungmin, holding the top of his head once again. "I now remember why I hate this place."

Hyunjin placed his hands on his hip, an annoyed look on his face. "Aw, that's so mean Seungminnie." Snickered Hyunjin. His light brown eyes changing into a light green color, the deer horns on his head decorated with flowers that changed color also changed to a light green.

Seungmin glared slightly at the other faerie before rolling his eyes and heading towards his parent's room.

Seungmin sighed as he found himself in front of their door, the wood on the corner of the door slightly chipped, and the paint seeming to fall off. He grabbed the door handle, and pushed the door open and walked into their room.

"There you are Seungmin," smiled out a young lady, her teeth sharp and glitter covering her cheekbones and eyelids "we missed you!" The young lady ran over to the boy and wrapped her arms around him.

A male that was once standing next to the young lady looked at Seungmin, a bored look on his face. His ears pointy as if he was an elf, his skin a light green color, and his eyes a dark shade of red. His teeth sharp just like the woman hugging Seungmin, and with four wings on his back, two of them plain white and the two others a light blue.

The woman let go of Seungmin, backing way and standing next to the man. A stern look on both of their faces now. Oh boy, Seungmin was in for it.

"Seungmin my son," started off Seungmin's dad, his sharp eyes becoming more of a glare then a regular look "you know you're supposed to stay inside the house only."

Seungmin bit down on his tongue, hesitating to say anything or something that would somehow piss off his father. He was already someone not to mess with when happy but when he was angry, nobody dared do anything unless they wanted a death wish.

"Oh sweetie, don't go too rough on him. After all, he is still young!" Whined his mom, saving Seungmin from a harsh punishment. His dad looked at his mother, grumbling before stopping himself from whatever he was gonna say next.

Seungmin's dad left the room after what his mother had said, leaving the son and mother alone in the room.

"Thank you mom..." Seungmin whispered before running over and hugging the smaller faerie. He was really thankful for his mom no matter how much he hated his house, she always had believed Seungmin could do whatever he wanted to do as long as it didn't harm him and that he was super thankful for.

"You're welcome, after all, I can't let my own son die so early." Said his mother, her arms wrapped around him becoming slightly tighter. Her words making Seungmin shiver slightly.

Was she serious?

Word count: 779 words
(Not edited)

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