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Seungmin jumped over the orange cone, his knees burning right as his feet touched the ground, landing as lightly as if a butterfly had landed on a leaf.

He already longed for home, home where it had both Hyunjin and Chan, home where he didn't need to hide his true self, home where Seungmin's only friends were.

He missed home.

He shook his head, no, he couldn't go home yet, he couldn't return home right now, he'd get killed by his parents for running away.

He shoved his gauze wrapped hands into his hoodie pocket, and walked past a small and mint colored café with flowers of all kind hanging off of the gutters, some people sitting at the white wood tables, couples smiling and friends talking to each other about something that happened today.

Seungmin walked and walked, not caring about running into anybody, or where he went, only focusing on getting somewhere.

Seungmin found himself standing in front of the forest he had left home from, the same maple trees that covered the area, the familiar smell of mint and pine wood the trees made.

Seungmin took a deep breath, panic arising inside him, remembering how he got his parents mad, especially his dad, and how he suddenly ran away. A few hours in the human world was the equivalent to almost a week in his world.

Seungmin took a step into the forest, and another and more until he found himself in the familiar spot with neon and flashing flowers that were almost as tall as him, fireflies flying around in the air, making the forest seem more beautiful and peaceful the dark sky full of shooting stars, a crescent moon in the air topping it all off.

Seungmin stuck his hand out, only focusing on the fireflies as if he just entered the familiar world he grew up in. Some of the small bugs landed on his held out hand, peacefully sitting on his palm.

Seungmin watched the fireflies calmly move around on his palm, acting as if they belonged there. Seungmin smiled, it was nice to be home but he knew he would soon have to get punished for what he did, disobeying his parents and running away. He was in for it.

Seungmin shook his palm delicately, and let the fireflies fly off his palm and into the air where they belonged.

He feverishly walked closer to where the hideout of the faeries was, he was already dreading coming but he felt a sense of security being back in his home.

Finally he stood inside the city, all kinds of faeries working on there small businesses or using humans as labor and watching the humans do all the work for them, Seungmin watched the humans, the thought of the two boys, Felix and Jeongin being slaves for faeries and he didn't like that thought one bit.

He walked over to a small wooden house, in the middle of the the door there was a hanging neon blue flower, the petals showing lines of dark blue that were running around the petals, Seungmin knocked on the door, smiling when he heard a thump and a groan coming from the house.

The door opened, and the familiar deer horned male stood in front of him.

"Seungmin? You're back?" Said the male, his black colored eyes becoming full of tears, some yellow mixing with the black, the withered flowers on his horns quickly regrowing and becoming a yellow.

Hyunjin threw his arms around Seungmin and for once, Seungmin hugged back, the tightest he ever held anyone.


Word count: 600 words
Question (again) ~
If I worked more on my Hyunsung one shot more so it's out earlier, but I don't update this book or my Hyunho one as much would that be okay?
Also thank you for the 60 votes!! It means so much for me :(

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