Comfort Crowd

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Pushing his way through the crowd of faeries, Seungmin sped up a little, the horned boy following behind him. The boys both had a curfew they had to follow by, and neither of them knew what would happen to them if they missed it.

Faerie land seemed great to most humans that knew of them but those silly humans had been manipulated into believing this place was gorgeous. They'd be tempted to dance until their feet burned and they'd dance and dance until they died on the dance floor, their body being stomped on by faeries, or even devoured by, they'd eat the food there and never return home.

It was dangerous, but humans didn't know that. Instead they were blinded by the naked eye.

Young faeries didn't have it so easy either, they had set a curfew for younglings in order to protect those who didn't fully train or develop their powers. If they didn't make it to their house on time they'd either be banished to the human world or something else, nobody really knew, only the human world thing was a rumor that was apparently made to scare the young faeries into going home.

Seungmin had always rolled his eyes at that rumor, he knew humans couldn't see the faeries as the way they saw themselves unless they meant to show that person, the boy he met in the forest suddenly flew into his mind, Seungmin shook his head and gripped Hyunjin's hand harder and walked faster to home. He just needed space to think now.
Waking up to the sound of an alarm going off, Jisung groaned, slammed his hand down on the off button, and got out of bed.

He looked at himself in his body length mirror, his oversized shirt was hanging off his left shoulder, his messy hair with pieces of hair sticking out of everywhere. He sighed, started to get dressed and brush his teeth before he left the complex, locked his door and left for another day of university.

{Sight time skip}

Jisung threw his bag onto his couch and made a run for it to his room, grabbing his phone and opening up his messages.

'12 Messages from Innie'
'12 minutes ago'

Well shit, Jisung read through them and had tried to wrap his head around it, he and Felix had been hanging out at the café down the street and Jeongin was cold so Felix gave Jeongin his scarf and said he could keep it, and here Jeongin was, screaming about it to  Jisung.

Jisung chuckled and replied with a keyboard smash, he really didn't know what to say about this. It was obvious Jeongin liked Felix but Felix? He was harder to figure out, he was off and on. Letting Jeongin wear his scarf when nobody else was allowed to wear but other days Felix didn't care if Jeongin was cold or not.

Once Jisung responded he threw his phone on his bed, and left his room. He just got home but he already felt suffocated, he walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, barley anything was there. 'Grocery shopping time' he noted, and picked his wallet off the counter and shoved it into his hoodie pock.

{Another slight time skip}

Jisung kicked his door shut, each hand with a bag with food and snacks inside of the bag.

He shuffled into his kitchen, setting the two bags on the table, and started to unpack the food, he didn't get much, he really didn't eat much.

After unpacking, he put a few grapes into a bowl, and sat on the balcony, watching the trees sway softly with the wind, his somewhat long hair (only about to eye length he should say) swaying along with the trees.

While watching the trees sway he remembered the boy he had found in the forest, he wondered, could he see him again? Would he ever? Jisung laughed at himself for thinking of that boy, it would never happen again. Instead he continued to eat his grapes and watch the trees and wildlife do it's thing on his balcony.

Word count: 686 words
I also started a new Hyunho story so uh if you like Hyunho then here you go. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed his chapter!
(Not edited)

 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed his chapter!(Not edited)

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