Part One - Chapter Twenty-Three: Preparing for Christmas

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Fernando grinned as he helped Nora decorate the Christmas tree, it was now the first week of December and he couldn't resist getting started; he loved Christmas and he knew that Nora would be spending the holidays with her mother.

Fernando wished that he could have his daughter for the holidays but since Nora was now living him; it was only fair that Olalla had Nora for Christmas.

Vanessa sat watching them with a smile on her face, she was trying to untangle the lights; she was twenty-two weeks pregnant now and so far they had managed to keep the gender of the baby a secret.

"Do I have to go back to London for Christmas?" Nora asked looking up at her father, she didn't want to spend Christmas with her mother since it meant being around Aaron.

Fernando paused and nodded his head, he didn't like it either but Olalla was insistence especially since she hardly saw her daughter anymore.

"It's only for two weeks," Fernando said trying to ignore the ache in his chest, he wished Nora would be celebrating Christmas with him and Vanessa but it wasn't going to happen and there was no way around it unless Olalla changed her mind.

Nora frowned and nodded her head, she wished that she didn't have to go; she liked living with her father and Vanessa, she loved her new school and she couldn't wait for her baby brother to arrive.

Fernando hugged Nora, he knew that things weren't easy and Nora was just getting settled but Olalla was insistent that the little girl came back to London for the holidays.

Fernando shared a look with Vanessa, he knew that this wouldn't be easy and he hoped that things would work out; he hated the idea of losing his daughter in anyway.


Vanessa brushed her fingers through Fernando's hair as she smiled at him, she was liking his new haircut and it suited him a lot better than the long dyed locks that he used to have.

Fernando grinned and ducked down to kiss Vanessa, he knew that he loved having her in his arms; he held her close and he wished that there was something that he could have done to make things more relaxed.

The couple kissed for a moment enjoying their moment of peace, they rarely had a moment together right now and it would only get worse over the holidays.

Vanessa would be expected to spent most of the day with her family, she had church at nine o'clock in the morning and then there would be lunch at the palace; neither of which Fernando could attend since he wasn't a member of the royal family yet.

"Hola," Fernando murmured kissing Vanessa, he loved having her around and he held her close and he wished that he had more time with her; his fingers brushed against her bump making him smile.

Vanessa laughed softly, she kissed Fernando resting her head against his; she couldn't believe how lucky she was right now and she wished that she could have him around for Christmas.

They would have the afternoon together but she would spend the morning with her family, Vanessa wanted nothing more than to have a special time with him.

"Christmas should be fun," Fernando said brushing his fingers through her hair, he was looking forward to having more time with her and their wedding plans were going well.

Vanessa nodded her head, she couldn't wait to have a Christmas with Fernando without having to worry about planning around her family; they wanted a family Christmas next year.

"Nora wants to bake cookies," Vanessa said pulling back from Fernando, she smiled looking down at the hand rested on her bump; their little boy was going to be so loved and they were already thinking about names.

Fernando nodded his head, the room was decorated for Christmas and he was sure that the last remaining weeks before the holidays would be peaceful.

"What about Noah?" Fernando asked looking at Vanessa, they were trying to find the perfect name for their baby; they had been both suggesting names but had yet to find one that they both liked.

Vanessa shook her head, she liked the name but it wasn't the one for them; she smiled at Fernando knowing that he was trying and they would fine a name that they liked.

"No... what about William?" Fernando asked holding Vanessa close, they needed the right sounding name for their son; he would one day been king and it had to sound right.

Whatever they named their little prince, he would be known as the Prince of Andorra and they had decision on a name for him.

"I like it for a middle name," Vanessa said with a smile, she didn't want to name her son after the future monarch of another country; she wanted something unique but yet nice enough for their son.

Fernando nodded his head, their son would be the first in the family to take both family names and not just have his mother's name; he was pleased that Vanessa had wanted to do this.


"What about Bojan?" Nora asked looking up at Vanessa as they made gingerbread men, she looked to help out in the kitchen and she loved baking with Vanessa.

The brunette paused and looked down at the little girl, she thought for a moment and nodded her head; they were listing names and Nora was trying to help them choose a name.

"That's a good one," Vanessa said moving to write it down, she wanted something that not only sounded right but would suit his royal status.

Whatever they decided to call their son, his full name would include William Torres Bellcroft; it had taken a lot for of convincing from Vanessa to allow the child to bare both surnames.

Vanessa herself only carried her father's surname and she was thankful for that but she wanted her son to carry Fernando's name like Nora did.

"Or what about Leo?" Nora said still listing names, Vanessa nodded along she had no idea what they would decide on but she was sure that they would settle on a wonderful name.

Nora smiled as she watched Vanessa pop the gingerbread men into the oven to cook; she didn't get to bake with her mother since Olalla was usually busy and if they did then she had to sit and watch.

Vanessa closed the oven and pulled off the oven gloves, she liked relaxing with Nora and she had no idea when they would get another chance like this.

"Joshua?" Nora suggested still listing names that she knew, she watched Vanessa and smiled moving to help the brunette wash up; they enjoyed moments like this together and Fernando liked it when they spent time together.

Vanessa nodded her head, she was happy to list the names until the baby was born; she had no idea what they would decide on when the baby arrived.

Nora would be a great older sister and Vanessa loved the idea of having more children in the future but right now she was focused on the one that she was carrying.

"Or James?" Nora said remembering her history class and all the royal names that she had heard, she wanted the right one for her baby brother; he would be king and she was always going to be his big sister who looked after him even if Fernando and Vanessa couldn't.


Author's Note:

What do you think of the names being suggested? Do you have any ideas on what Fernando and Vanessa should call their little boy?

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