Chapter 3.

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As I pull up in my childhood home driveway, the boys are in awe of the size of the place.

"Wow Mum, you grew up here?" Will says as he tries to scramble out of the car. "Yes baby, I did." I reply.

My mind slips back to the last time I was home. It was the day I left and never looked back. My father never knew it at the time as it would had shattered him if he did that my plan was to leave here and never return. I had packed all my worldly possessions and told myself that I was going to become the best damm trainee officer in the Royal Australian Navy. If only I had known how my life was going to play out and that I would end up back here.

I look out to see the frount door open and Aunt Mae come dashing out.

"My babies, your home!" Mae shouts as we all climb out of the car. She engulfs me in a big hug and I see my cousin Willow sneak up and grab the boys from behind. She had just jumped off the school bus and was sneaking up the driveway.

"Willow!" They both scream as she tackles them to the ground. I laugh as I can see twigs and grass clipping all over them.

"I'm so glad you are here. I was worried that you were going to change your mind." Mae says.
"Never, I should have come home a lot sooner." I reply. Mae just keeps her hand on my shoulders as we make our way inside.

I hate funerals. This was my second funeral in a year.

I woke up and just went through the motions. My cousin Willow knocks on my door and says that she is grabbing the boys for breakfast, so I'm not to rush. I allow the water to just run off my body as I think about how I am going to tackle this day.

I've explained to the boys what has happened to their 'Poppy' but like when Eliot died, they just didn't understand it until we were at the cemetery burying him.  I wonder that cause it was only 5 months ago that we had gone through that process that they would find it easier. Then I think, how is it ever easier. Like I don't think that with people dying it could ever get easier, more like we become more used to it. I don't know, I just wish that this day was over already.

As I enter the front room to double check the boys, I feel a hand wrap around me.

"You bitch, you pull into town and you don't stop by mine." Says Carrie.
I'm laughing at this comment as when I look at her face I can tell that she has probably been crying all morning and to deflect her sorrow she has picked on something else that she can be angry about.

"I literally pulled in yesterday. Anyhow I knew we had this thing on today so I figured I would see you then." I try to make a light joke of the situation but I can see that she is not in a joking mood as she starts to cry again.

"Mum, I've sorted out your tissue situation. The clean ones are on my left side and the dirty ones go on my right." Says Carrie's son Tyler. He is such a charmer, just like his dad. Carrie and Slater found out that they were pregnant right before Carrie was due to come join me in Sydney to do her Arts Degree. She ended up having to defer her courses and then after Tyler was born she decided to take a different path and become a teacher.

Tyler is such a bright and amazing kid, he was in Sydney with us for the last few years doing an engineering degree. He actually wanted to be a mechanic, so I got him a job at the local garage to just help out on weekends. He fell in love with cars, much to his parent's disapproval, and worked out that he could do his last year by correspondence so he came home straight away to come and work with the club.

"Hello Tyler!" I say as I give him a hug. "Hey Amelia, I'm so glad you are here. I need someone to be on my side with these two at the moment." He points to his parents.

Slater is behind him handing over some gear to Mae. He sees me and come straight over.
"Well hot damm girl, you just get more beautiful every day." Slater says as he plants a kiss on my forehead.
"Watch it buddy, I've seen your wife claw apart a waitress for just looking at you sideways." I laugh and I see Carrie give a small giggle.

Mae says it's time to head to the funeral home, so we all pile into the cars. Tyler offers to drive my car and Mae jumps in the back so that she can sit with the boys. We all proceed down the road towards the funeral home with Slater leading. As we pull up I see that all the Wanderers are there in full attire with their bikes making a clear area for us the park.

We all get out of the cars and head into the building.
As I stare into the hole I start to think 'what is the correct term for this'. I've never had to refer to a burial hole, is that what it's called.

Father Thomas finishes his words and signals the curator to lower the casket. We all just watch in silence as it's lowered into the ground.

Tyler and Willow have taken the boys away as they started to get restless. I can understand, they are still too young to understand. Carrie is a mess next to me, it's like she is crying for all of us. Slater pushes his way between us so that he can wrap his hands around both our waists. He pulls us in while Mae is holding my hand.

Father Thomas has us come forward to drop some dirt on the coffin. The three of us do this while Slater holds Carrie and I. I can see that Carrie is loosing her grip so I turn to Slater and say "Focus on her."

He nods and goes to engulf her in a hug as she just looses the plot and starts to cry out.

My dad meant a lot to Carrie, heck he meant a lot to anyone who was graced with having him in their life. When Carrie found out that she was pregnant, her mother threw her out of the house and told her to never speak to her again. She was so distraught and at the time and Slater was working away with his father, so she didn't want to just turn up on his mums doorstep.

Her only option was to go to the one place that made her feel loved, our house. My father and Mae helped her with everything, gave her a wonderful home life and let her know that they would be there for her whenever she needed anything. Dad even ended up delivering Tyler when Carrie went into labor and they were not going to get to the hospital on time.

We all start to make our way out of the cemetery and I wave to Tyler so that he knows to bring the boys. I start to get them settled in the car when I look over and see all the Wanderers waiting by their bikes.

"They are waiting for you and Carrie to drive out." Slater says as I go to get into the car. Tyler looks over at me and says "Are you ready?"
"Yes mate, let's go." I reply.

I stare out the window to see all the members with their heads down as we drive out. I would had missed Xavier if I hadn't have turned my head back to see them all start to ride off. He is standing on the porch of the funeral home, leaning on the banister staring at us as we drive out.

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