Chapter 16

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I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before Eliots car started to play up again. Cursing as I hop out of the drivers seat and make my way to the front of the bonnet. I know that no matter what I do, this car is pretty much going to be the death of me.

It could had potentially been a really good car but Eliot had zero knowledge about cars to the point that he didn't even keep the standard car services up to date. I pull never understand how hard it was, you literally just take the car to the place and then book in for the next service while your there.

Anger starts to bubble as I groan while I lift the bonnet all while trying to not burn my fingers. The dam thing has overheated again and a whoosh of steam flies out, hitting me in the face.

I have no idea why it does this at the most odd times and conveniently when I get an expert to look at it, the issue doesn't happen again, so it makes me look like an idiot.

It's my own fault, I knew I should have held onto my car when I went to sell up the additional assets before moving here but the resell value of my car verse Eliots was nearly double the amount and all I wanted to do was get rid of what I didn't need so that I could leave.

I feel angry tears start to brim at the back of my eyes when I think back to how this is what I am resorted to now. It's not like we owed any money or anything like that, I think I was just trying to make the best options for the boys but I was not thinking about the fact that I would have on-going issues with this car compared to my own.

Issues just seemed to plague me at the moment. I started to read dads notebooks to try and gain a better perspective of what dad was trying to work out. I continually had to keep my mind in check as I would find myself slipping back to thinking about how I had not paid more attention to what was going on.

I have no idea why but I feel like I want to blame Eliot for this as well but I know deep down that it is all my fault. I was the one who got so wrapped up in thinking that everything was perfect, that we were perfect. I always thought we were a team and never did a shred of distrust come into my mind. I thought we were a rock solid couple.

Wiping my eyes on my sleeve, I don't hear the bike pulling up beside the car, nor do I hear the rider hop off and make there way over to me. I've given up on it and my train of thought is that if I just leave it here with the keys maybe someone will steal it. Distracted by my thoughts I go to turn around and head back to the drivers side to find my phone when I notice Xavier standing there smiling at me.

"I see you seem to have a problem" he grins as he looks at the car and then takes in my appearance. I see his features fault a little as I can only imagine how I look right now. My hair was only loosely up in a pony tail as it was and I'm just in a set of workout clothes as I had all good intentions to go for a jog and try to clear my mind of all the random thoughts that are bouncing around up there.

He brushes past me and goes to have a look under the bonnet but I don't even pay attention to what he is doing. I don't even think that I am thinking straight as I open the drivers door, grab my phone and headphones and slam the door shut.

There is a thud from the front of the car and I almost feel sorry for the fact that I might had startled him as I slammed the door but I'm over it and all I want to do is leave it here and go and cool down.

Heading away from the car, I hear Xaviers footsteps coming up behind me. "Woah there Lia, where are you going?" He asks as I feel his hand wrap around my shoulder, turning me towards him.

"Anywhere!" I say a little louder then I probably should have as I see him flinch at my response. I am so frustrated that I feel like I am about to burst.

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