Chapter 5

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I know im very late but my work was hectic...hope you guys like it!!


On the streets

       "I just hope Kevin doesn't get in any kind of trouble though!!" Betty sighed, thinking about where Kevin could have gone and what his plans might be. Archie looked at a worried Betty, and went on his own thoughts of Kevin too; both were worried for their friend. 

Few minutes before,
At Blue and Gold office,

      They finished cleaning the 'blue and gold' office, both were having fun that it almost felt like old times. Archie kept stealing glances at Betty and wondered how he had strayed away from her just like that but he had no answers. Every few minutes, Betty would look at Archie and smile bringing him out of his thoughts.

      Both of them looked around the office which almost shined from their hard work, Betty looked extremely contented with the office and finally breathed happily. Both of them turned towards each other and stood looking at each other without a word. Both of them blinked a few times as seconds passed and suddenly bursted out laughing at each other, "My god Arch! You look horrible!" Betty managed to speak between her laughs.
      Archie still laughing retorted "Speak for yourself Betty... you look worse than the mess before!!" Both of them laughed at their comments and yet almost instantaneously ran towards the mirror in the corner which was clearly designed for single person use.

      Both of them squeezed and pushed each other to look at themselves and laugh more looking at their conditions. They were covered in dust and dirt, they were covered with spider webs; dusting themselves they decided to wrap it here. They walked out of the school after cleaning themselves in respective locker rooms, still smiling at memory of the mess. Not a few steps from the school, they stopped spotting Kevin on the phone across the street.

        He seemed to be talking to someone seriously, "What's he still doing here??" Betty questioned while they both looked at him seriously. "He ran off without helping saying he had some important work and he's..." she spoke but trailed off seeing Kevin tensed. Archie was just about to call when Kevin finished his call, but stopped when he suddenly got into a car that was parked nearby and left in a hurry. Both Archie and Betty looked confused and worried at the same time.

      Betty growled in frustration "Argghhhh... I can't calm down Arch... I'm gonna call him now!" Betty took her phone but Archie held her hand. "I know you're worried about him... so am I... but we need to give him some space..." Archie said slowly her understand what he meant. Betty could clearly see what he meant, and she remembered the times Kevin lashed out on her cause of such things.
     Archie let go of her hand when he saw her putting her phone done with a pout; Archie smiled "let's give him some time... I'm sure he'll tell us about it soon" Archie assured her patting her shoulders, while Betty nodded in response.

      Before they knew it the reached Betty's home, Archie felt a rush of disappointment run over him but he kept a straight face. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow!" Archie stated turning towards Betty. Betty smiled "thank again Arch for helping me..." Archie cut her before she could finish, "hey... I'm glad I could help, you want anything else... no matter the time and place... you call me!" Archie said. Betty wanted to laugh it off but Archie's serious-genuine look made her smile "Thanks Arch!!" she gave him a light hug. Archie just patted her, and waved a bye when she turned to leave to her house and Archie headed to his.

        Archie entered his house still smiling; when he was greeted by his mother "Archie??" his mother's voice came from the dining room. "Yes mom! I'm home" he answered as he walked inside and saw his mom sitting in the dining surrounded by letters. "What are these??" he asked placing his bag in a corner and settling himself opposite to her. Mary looked up a little upset making Archie go serious "It's your dad's bills... all of which has been settled now by his insurance and that woman" She said in a sad voice while Archie grew grim looking at the bills.

Endgame??Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant