Chapter 21

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Hello everyone! i thought this would be a smaller chapter than before but i guess not. Here's the next chapter...
Stay safe and have a read


             Archie was staring at his ceiling wide awake when his phone buzzed his morning alarm, he sighed turning towards his phone next to him. He reached out to switch-off the alarm while he was still lying down; he was barely able to sleep after he got up because of the dream. He got up with his mind still in confusion, he shook his head physically to clear his mind and went about to get ready for school. His leftover sleep was finally returning and with that he barely was coherent while doing his chores; he rubbed his eyes and walked down the stairs ready for a morning coffee than his juice. "Good morning, Mo-" he wished walking into the kitchen but stopped when he noticed the blonde ponytail from the corner of his eye.

           "Betty!" he said instinctively when he saw she turned towards him, she initially looked a little worried but then smiled at him. That smile which had always given Archie the strength did its magic again; he smiled feeling refreshed and clearer than few seconds ago. Betty smiled more feeling better "Good morning Arch!" she wished while Archie made his way into the kitchen, "Morning Betty!!" he wished back he still needed the caffeine to hold himself through the day. Mary who stood in the kitchen all along smiled seeing them converse.

On the way to School,

     Archie and Betty walked in silence side by side both having a number of questions for each other but hesitant to ask. Archie tried to calm his curiosity but it was getting worse with the silence, he finally decided the torture was not worth anything. He turned to see Betty walking silently in some thoughts, he let out a firm breath and tried to be casual as possible "So did you meet Jughead yesterday? Is everything okay??" Betty looked at Archie a little startled, Archie avoided her direct gaze "...I was going to ask you yesterday itself but I was too exhausted and..." Betty's voice cut through his unformed sentence. "It was good..." she said looking straight, Archie looked at Betty being all calm making him nervous "Oh..." he answered. Betty looked at Archie and smiled making him agitated again, Betty casually answered "He just wanted me to proof read his first draft of Baxter brothers novel...I had promised him before!" Archie let the words sink in properly, relief slowly made its way to his mind.

                 Betty could see the change in Archie's face, she tried to hold back her smile but it still showed itself on her face; Archie chuckled quietly "oh! Ya that sounds nice!!" he said trying to hide the giddiness, Betty smiled nodding along with him "'s another addition to my work load now" she said feeling exhausted just by saying it. Archie instantly offered "Hey, if you need help! I'll be available!!" Betty smiled in return sincerely "Thanks Arch...but you have a big game coming!" she stated. It was as if it was the first time he was hearing it, Archie's brain went on an alert; he had been so focused on his emotions he barely concentrated on his practise. He mentally noted to focus more on the game yet he turned towards Betty "I know...but if you need help I'm just a text away from you anytime, okay?" he said in a sincerely tone mildly startling as well flooring Betty away.

         She looked at his eyes when she whispered "'kay" in reply, Archie smiled and turned back to the road when he remembered something "My mom said you came by yesterday..." Betty looked unsure of what to answer. She nervously spoke not to pull any wrong threads "I saw you drive away from your home looked very serious...and that worried me!" She admitted while Archie smiled internally. Archie answered just as she finished "I just had to go by the Gym since it had been so long...Met the boys, had some wrestling lessons... and I was so exhausted when I reached home that I crashed as soon as I came home..." Betty nodded along Archie's words "...I'm sorry for worrying you" he added making Betty look at Archie with a hint of anger.

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