Chapter 6

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Hello there!! so here's the 6th chapter, hope you like it.


Pop's diner

           Archie sat in one of the booths alone, his mind was cramping with the memory of veronica and Reggie hugging. He was angry, more than Reggie he was angrier on himself for becoming someone who Veronica couldn't confide in a time of need. His own mind was accusing him of being a bad friend more than being a bad boyfriend. He closed his eyes trying to control the voice and thereby his anger but all in vain. Suddenly the feeling of a hand on his shoulder startled him, he looked to see Pop's looking at him; "Hey pops!" he said straightening himself up the couch.

        "Hey Archie! What are you doing here alone? Do you want something to eat or drink...special smoothie?" Pop's asked cheerfully but Archie just smiled and nodded "hmm...thanks pops! I need to get home for dinner!" pop's nodded looking understandingly, Archie got up from the booth and left the diner with a goodbye before anyone could spot him.

        Archie stood outside, thinking and sighing to himself he knew he needs to go home but he definitely needed to clear his mind before doing so. He knew his mom would read him within minutes of him entering the home... letting out a breath he walked away from the diner towards the direction of the woods.

1 hour later,

            Archie sat there for the past ½ hour, watching the beautiful scenery before him, the soft wind blowing, the mirroring water and the green mountains. He finally felt at peace looking at the scenery, he was not sure what he should do anymore and decided to leave it to and live for the moment because he knew that's what his father would say. He looked at the sky and smiled thinking about his father; he closed his eyes when his eyes started to feel warmth in emotions.

          He suddenly heard something in the woods, cautiously he stood "oh god! Don't be a bear...please don't be a bear" he prayed under his breath. He definitely didn't have the strength or anything to fight a bear again, the leaves slowly shook making Archie scared for his life yet he stood rooted to his place. Suddenly, "Arch??" a familiar sound came through the leaves calming him at once and a head with a blonde hair popped out of the leaves happily startling Archie a little.

           Betty slowly walked out of the bushes smiling at Archie; while Archie looked at her relieved that she wasn't a bear. "Oh my god Arch! I thought you were some kind of wild animal or something!!" Betty said trying to catch her breath now that she's in Archie full view. Archie chuckled "Speak for yourself, betty... I thought I would have to fight another bear or something" he said trying to calm his nerves and regulate his breathing from the scare. Betty came forward and stood in front of Archie, both panting and slowly they started giggling like kids... their laughter heard through the breezy wind.

        "What are you doing in the woods Arch?? Alone?" Betty asked wiping the tears from her eyes from all the laughing. "I should ask you the same?" he replied while he settled back on the green carpet near the river, Betty nodded with a small smile and sat beside him stretching her legs from all the walking. After a few minutes silence "I needed some quiet... and I remembered the fishing trips with my father were soothing every time... hence I figured this would be a good place to start!" Archie answered.

         Betty remembered one of those fishing trips, her father had cancelled the last minute and so she joined Archie and Fred to theirs. She still remembers all the laughing, the lessons, the grilled fish they had at the end of the trip. She looked at Archie thinking how he looked the same except for the lack of smile on his face.

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