Prom Epilogue!

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hello again! thank you for all the love for the story, I'm finally updating the prom version of the epilogue; the original version was very long so i had to shorten bare with the flow!! thank you for reading


      Archie and Betty walked home side by side holding hands, with Betty holding her heels while Archie holding his tux coat in their freehand; both of them looked visibly exhausted "Well there goes our senior prom!" Archie exclaimed feeling the pain settle in his neck and legs. Betty let out a sad sigh "Why does every prom feel like an eternity to me..." her words reminded Archie of the he made Betty cry for the first time; the memory was still clear in his mind making his heart feel heavy in seconds. Betty turned to see the uncomfortable look on his face and understood, she tightened her hold on his hand and leaned on his shoulder "But this one was better than all...I got to go with you!!" she smiled looking at him, Archie saw the smile reach up her eye making him smile. Within a few seconds of silence, "May be it's just us... maybe were just not allowed to have a normal we never had a normal teenager's life!" Archie complained looking at the night sky, Betty chuckled at his words "Ya maybe...or it's just how proms in Riverdale go..." Archie smiled while Betty continued raising her head from his shoulder "...have you ever heard a 'normal' prom story from your parents?" Archie lifted his eyebrow nodding agreeing with Betty.

         Archie sadly smiled "I felt my dad's absence more today..." Betty instantly looked at him with a worried face, she slowly tightened her grip around his hand and rubbed her thumb, and he kept his hand on top of her and gave a small smile in return. Betty spoke in a low voice "We all did Arch!" Archie nodded "he would have been more nervous than me...and happier if he knew I was taking you!" Betty looked at Archie who looked back smile; Archie touched her nose with his making them laugh like kids. Archie sighed and turned towards the road "if only we could have stayed and finished our dance..." he complained making Betty sigh along with him. All the plans they had done for their first prom as a couple remained a through the night; the week leading up to the prom also was not as smooth as they had hoped for.

         Though Archie had decided and promised Betty that he would talk to Veronica the next day, it still reminds a task yet to be completed. Both Archie and Betty were nervously waited for Veronica but to their disappointment she didn't...for the next two days. She came on the third day just to spring her idea of sudden camping in the woods consisting of the core four; Archie was pretty surprised when Betty agreed with Veronica even after signalling her not to but Betty was already filling with guilt she agreed instantly. Archie had again decided to tell Veronica during the camping but that fell through when he saw Jughead trying to 'woo' Betty at every possible moment with Veronica's help while Betty felt uncomfortable and somewhat cramped between Veronica and Jughead. The only time Archie and Betty were able to breathe was at night when both Veronica and Jughead crashed from all the exhaustion, Archie and Betty sat near the campfire under the clear sky feeling mentally exhausted and confused by their situation. But Archie assured her that everything would get better once they straighten things up yet it still hasn't, the prom had kept everyone busy in their own tasks.

       Archie and Betty had almost lost hope of going to prom together while Veronica was preparing for the prom in full swing, every time she took Archie or Betty to shop for anything related to prom, both could feel the weight on their shoulder. But almost something miraculous happened to them in the form of Veronica's sudden trip to New York for a friend; as soon as Betty got the message at her home she ran towards her window to look at Archie's but was greeted with his empty room. Until Archie barged into her room few seconds later holding his phone who had just received the call from Veronica, for a second they stood there contemplating if they should feel happy for themselves or pity Veronica for missing her senior prom. Archie slowly smiled at Betty still panting from the run from his room to hers, Betty smiled back and for few selfish moments they didn't think of anything else; Betty ran and jumped into Archie's open arms, both giggling like a kids happy and excited about their first prom together.

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