Chapter 7

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hello there!! this is the next chapter....give it a read and hope you like it!!

gif credited to Riverdale!! (google)


           Betty turned and climbed her stairs when her front door opened and Charlie walked out of the home still in his phone. Archie who was about to leave stood rooted to his place staring at him and Betty slowed down her pace of walking. He cut the call when he saw both of them outside and walked over, "Of course of course! It would be great!! Okay then call me!" He looked at Betty smiling "You're back... where have you been?" Charlie asked. "ahh... well I went to meet Archie outside..." she said pointing out to Archie who was standing observing them.

             "ohh okay! Mom was getting worried. Hey Archie how are you doing?" Charlie asked standing at the top of the stairs, Archie smiled a little "I'm good! You?" Charlie nodded smiling "Same here! Okay see you!!" Charlie then escorted Betty inside the home and Archie walked back to his home."Betty I..." Charlie was about to say something to Betty but he stopped in the middle. "What is it Charlie?" Betty asked curious he just shook his head smiling even more, "Nothing...let's get in, I'm hungry!" Charlie walked past her while a curious Betty looked on as they settled at the dinner table.

            "Betty! You're home! I was starting to get worried about you?? Where did you go?" Alice asked placing the dinner on the table. Charlie and Alice were looking at Betty for an answer, Betty smiled "Nothing mom! I had to meet Archie!" Betty answered thinking she had finished the conversation when Alice questioned again. "Oh! Why? I mean didn't you two walked from school together!!" she asked casually perking Charlie's curiousness.

          "Well I..." Betty rampaged her thoughts to make a good excuse and, Archie helping at the blue and gold office came to her mind. "I said I would treat Archie when he helped me clean the blue and gold office!!" Betty answered almost stuttering. Both Alice and Charlie looked at Betty, "hmm!" saying Alice continued to sit and pass on the dishes among them. "I thought Mr. Jones was going to join us for dinner?" Charlie spoke taking his first bite, Alice instantly sighed "Ya! So did I but he said he needed to check on Jughead!" Betty instantly curious asked "What? Why?? What happened??" Betty reacted concerned about Jughead.

       "Nothing honey! He just wanted to visit him...he hadn't had a chance since your bre..." Alice almost cursed herself for bring their break-up but Betty remained calm and smiled sighing in relief. Irrespective of their situation, Jughead is one of Betty's best friends first and then came being a girlfriend.

           Alice readily took the next thing that interested Betty, "So I'm thinking of inviting Mary and Archie for dinner over here!" Betty looked at her mother as if she had grown an extra head. "What?" Betty exclaimed softly, Alice smiled at her daughter.

           Honestly, Alice also has been feeling sympathetic for Mary since Betty said about the night before the trip. She never felt much for her late husband but Knowing Fred she knew the lost they had to endure. For Alice, the Andrews were always good people, a little annoying but good... the 1% good you could find in Riverdale. And the fact that day, those talks helped Betty confront herself on her behaviour's made her like them a little more.

           Betty was still surprised at her mom who was laughing looking at her daughter's expression. Betty was about to say something but Alice caught her hand in hers "It's something I've been thinking for some time now...what do you think Betty?" Betty looked at her mom, seeing everything through her own eyes Betty smiled and nodded. Both the ladies smiled at each other, while Charlie smiled looking at them pretty clueless about their silent conversation.

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